Eek Di, I suspected you might overdo it, don't we all though tbh. The minute we start to feel semi normal again, up we get and push ourselves a little too far. Hope the trip to the docs is easier for you tomorrow, good luck Xx
Snow Crystal, I'm under the same surgeon as Di, my referral to him was for gall bladder removal and bypass, with the intention of both being done together. Our surgeon prefers to do the two operations seperately for a number of reasons. firstly having both done together means you are under aneasthetic for double the length of time which he is unhappy about doing. Secondly, he prefers his patients to have lost a significant ammount of weight before he removes the gall bladder as it it safer regarding aneasthetic and also easier to physically perform the op itself. I was also told that, should the patient have post operative complications, it is far easier to ascertain what the problem is when only one procedure has been carried out.
I had hoped that both could be done together but can see the reasons why he choses not too. I'm thinking in Di's case, perhaps it was a good idea he didnt do both together as she woud have been under far longer than double the ammount of time and as the removal was as complicated as it was, it would have been harder to perform with the extra weight Di was then carrying.