Born Free
:clap::bliss:whoop!!! whoop!!! :bliss::clap:
I got my letter tonight.....
My appointment with the nurse at Sunderland has come through for the 23rd December, 10am, so it seems the timelines are almost spot on as my Seminar was the 8th September. God, I hope its not snowing!!!!!
On the downside - its my 40th birthday on the 22nd December so I can't see me having a great loss since the seminar! I'll have to stick to it from now til then and do a lot of prayin
I got my letter tonight.....
My appointment with the nurse at Sunderland has come through for the 23rd December, 10am, so it seems the timelines are almost spot on as my Seminar was the 8th September. God, I hope its not snowing!!!!!
On the downside - its my 40th birthday on the 22nd December so I can't see me having a great loss since the seminar! I'll have to stick to it from now til then and do a lot of prayin