Hi Limedog have you had any news on your surgery date. I was nearly given the 18th October then was told they had to delete that date because my surrgeon was on holiday. I should be nearer the top of the list but still have to wait for a while (staying positiveI really do hope so as I've got a holiday booked to Florida end of March and I so need to be on the road of recovery I'll keep you all updated when I get a date would be good to know when you 2 get a date too best of luck xxx
I actually called today was told I'm in the top 20 to be given a date was told to call in 2 weeks hopefully not long goodluckHi Limedog have you had any news on your surgery date. I was nearly given the 18th October then was told they had to delete that date because my surrgeon was on holiday. I should be nearer the top of the list but still have to wait for a while (staying positive)
Hi Nicole the questionnaire I believe is to assess your suitability as well as give them an idea of your health and how weight impacts your life. Good luck on your journey please keep us posted xHi Im in Kent under the PRUH. Im had a meeting with the Dr at the hospital and had my blood tests done. Iv been sent a questionaire to complete and then I am attending tier 3 weight management.. Can anyone tell me what this is? My journey is at the beginning and reading all your posts has been great.
Hi LimedogI actually called today was told I'm in the top 20 to be given a date was told to call in 2 weeks hopefully not long goodluck
Yes I am over the moon. Even though it is the day after my birthday (so no bubbly for my 50th) I am considering it as my birthday present xThat's excellent news about getting your date.
Still nothing but was advised pre op in January but haven't been given a dateHi Limedog
Have you had any news yet? xx
Started the milk diet today OMG I heard it was challenging but this seriously makes me not want to come out of my bed until the war is over. On a lighter note anxiety is not affecting me as much now but I am feeling more tired than normal
The tiredness is normal. Are you taking any vits? It does get better, honest. Just picture that liver shrinking, or even better, waking up in the recovery room to find they had sewed you up without doing it as your liver was too big! I really worried that I wasn't going to cope with it, but was given that as motivator and it worked. All that hard work over the months for possibly nothing.Started the milk diet today OMG I heard it was challenging but this seriously makes me not want to come out of my bed until the war is over. On a lighter note anxiety is not affecting me as much now but I am feeling more tired than normal