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Waiting, waiting, waiting


New Member
Still not had my letter from Dr New dispite his secretary telling me she was typing the clinic's letters that I had attended on 28 August. Have tried calling but she was off on friday and not answering the phone today. Spoken to my GP's secretary who is going to try and find out what is going on and maybe get them to fax it over to the surgery....I know in the grand scheme of things its not a long time but it sure feels like it to me.....Hope everyone is feeling positive on this very dry monday morning....Linda x
keep on them Linda, and you'll get there in the end. It's all worth it!
Just washing my dishes when the phone went, thinking it was fran the GPs secretary but no it was Hope hospital asking me to attend for sleep study yeehaw the letter must be somewhere as teh other recommendations are making their way out.....seems daft to be so excited over something so small but I was beginning to wonder if I had dreamt it all.......Linda x
Great :D you must be so pleased with the progress!
Thanks to everyone, I know it must feel that I am so inpatient but living alone I have no one to just sound off against and these boards are my salvation. I have hardly told anyone what I am planning as I dont want to jinx anything....so please all do bear with me when I moan, rant or am top of the world......Linda x
hiya i have been waiting since may to even get approved for funding as my doctor mucked up 3 times, i am on the liquid diet as he said it may push me through when i go, i understand the feeling of wanting to know NOW as i am feeling this and it is so so hard, but we will both get there and will wonder why we were inpatient, but it took us a long time to gain this weight so we will have to wait a while to get it removed. I really hope this has helped. X
hiya i have been waiting since may to even get approved for funding as my doctor mucked up 3 times, i am on the liquid diet as he said it may push me through when i go, i understand the feeling of wanting to know NOW as i am feeling this and it is so so hard, but we will both get there and will wonder why we were inpatient, but it took us a long time to gain this weight so we will have to wait a while to get it removed. I really hope this has helped. X

Ah thanks so much for this, it makes a massive difference to know I am not alone in the waiting game good luck to you and hopefully we can both soon be telling people our good news.. Linda...xx
Fab news Linda, it is hard being patient especially when you made such big decisions. look forward to hearing how things go for you xx
thanks for the kind words it will be nice to tell others our story when we finally get it, i would love mine asap as i am going to florida for christmas and am going to be swimming wif dolphins on xmas day was wanting to be thinner but hey.
thanks for the kind words it will be nice to tell others our story when we finally get it, i would love mine asap as i am going to florida for christmas and am going to be swimming wif dolphins on xmas day was wanting to be thinner but hey.

Hyacinth, I have added you to my contacts, feel free to contact me at anytime and maybe we can help each other reach our goal.....take care hun...Linda x
oohh, another small step in the right direction Linda, great news xx
hi i am still new to this but when i went on you in my contacts and friends it will not allow me to gain entry, any ideas would love to talk about stuff, i am on facebook if this helps, thanks
Hi it may be because you dont have many post's yet, fairly new myself but I am sure someone will come along and enlighten us both. My email address is charliegirl1959@aol.com this might be hidden when you read this but you can uncover it. It would be great to talk....Linda x
hiya i have been waiting since may to even get approved for funding as my doctor mucked up 3 times, i am on the liquid diet as he said it may push me through when i go, i understand the feeling of wanting to know NOW as i am feeling this and it is so so hard, but we will both get there and will wonder why we were inpatient, but it took us a long time to gain this weight so we will have to wait a while to get it removed. I really hope this has helped. X

hyacynth did your dr say how long for liquid diet my dietician said if my op was cancelled to come off it as it not nutricainal its used to shrink the liver not for weight loss althougbh it is good for that you should check its healthy for you x