Mrs Stay Puft
Woo hoo!!! I've just this second had my phone call and I'm being sleeved in 28h April. Thank you for your support everyone. Excited doesn't even begin to describe it!!!
terrific news, love my sleeve XWoo hoo!!! I've just this second had my phone call and I'm being sleeved in 28h April. Thank you for your support everyone. Excited doesn't even begin to describe it!!!
Thank you everyone. I'm looking forward to going to a theme park at some point! (My mini target)! x
Brilliant news.Woo hoo!!! I've just this second had my phone call and I'm being sleeved in 28h April. Thank you for your support everyone. Excited doesn't even begin to describe it!!!
Do you know if your having a band or a sleeve yet ?
Sleeve I think wench x waiting for my appt with anaesthetist and etc I am floating on air right now , never thought I'd get here x
That is brilliant news. Good luck with your surgery. Please keep us all posted on how your getting on.
We are all here with advice and help , cheering you on ! What diet have you been given ? Looking back when I started the liver diet , I didn't realise how important it is . I thought it was just another way of getting me to lose weight .. But it's very essential to make the surgery safer . I've read on the Internet of patients having surgery cancelled on the operating table because the surgeon wasn't happy as soon as he saw the liver size and condition .. Read up on why the liver needs to shrink and become pliable .. If you keep this in mind , it might help you to keep your head in the end game .. You can do this ! Yeahhhh ! Mindy Xxxx
Not long now for you xxx eeek lol