New Member
if you read the instructions on hibi scrub it says to be used on the day before and on the day you go into hospital, not for long term use.
This is a support forum and nit picking and trying to wind up or insult people becuse of something that has happened else where is not on. The arguement was between 2 people and has no business being aired on here and nobody else that I can see or know of have taken sides or deliberately bought up what has happened as it is no one elses business but the 2 involved. Please can we get back to the where we before one of supporting each other not trying to take cheap igs at others and insulting people in the process.
if you read the instructions on hibi scrub it says to be used on the day before and on the day you go into hospital, not for long term use.
it would be beneficial to the producers of this product to say that in there marketing do you not think?
Were not talking about what the manufacturers say were talking about the advice of the medical team treating you and in this case it's not recommended and should people wish to question that alls I advise s they contact there medical team and not hibi scrub!
Considering how many operations are undertaken on a daily basis nationwide if every one used hibi scrub just because the manufacturers say you should it would make them very rich and the user very naive.
What has actually happened is Natalie Read on a internet forum she should use it trusted that third party advice and it turned out to be the wrong advice. she knows this because she had her pre op appointment with the hospital and as she said three nurses have told it to stop using it it.
From what I can gather she has then returned to the forum were she read the ill given advice and advised others of what her medical team told her! i see no wrong in that...
Again it any one is in doubt they should contact the hospital really.
How sad. im going to ask for this thread to be closed.
How are you Twig? have you had a nice mothers day?
Yes thanks babe, altho i did have some chocbut im back on track now.
i will do 5 mins on exercise bike after dancing on ice lol.
Did you have a nice day??
Ray Quinn?? Are you for real?