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Walsall Manor Posse

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I've just been reading last nights post on vimto, food, alcohol, more food and more food again! My stomach thinks my throat has been cut. I'm sat here and my belly is rumbling like a good un, even Paul has commented on how loud it is lol. All I can say is I'M SOOOOO HUNGRY! X
you can do it allie, It willbe worth it, in a way I'm jealous cause I wish it was me as it would mean my op is sooner rather than later. PM anytime you need some moral support.
Cheers Terri, it will be you soon chucks! xxxx
I've just been reading last nights post on vimto, food, alcohol, more food and more food again! My stomach thinks my throat has been cut. I'm sat here and my belly is rumbling like a good un, even Paul has commented on how loud it is lol. All I can say is I'M SOOOOO HUNGRY! X

awww, Poor you Allie. Its not nice being hungry but i guess the hunge will only last a couple of days. Try to drink plenty of water or coffee to keep yourself feeling fuller.

I agree with Terri though, Im jealous as well! Just think hun, today you have started the weight loss that you will never ever gain again.

If you need any moral support you've only got to shout up hun. THeres usually one of us around.
hi allie....
i got a letter confirming i was on the waiting list in november 2008....i;ve heard nothing else since...how long did you have to wait???????
:cry:cinders xxx
I've just been reading last nights post on vimto, food, alcohol, more food and more food again! My stomach thinks my throat has been cut. I'm sat here and my belly is rumbling like a good un, even Paul has commented on how loud it is lol. All I can say is I'M SOOOOO HUNGRY! X

ahhh, Allie.
It will be sooooooo worth it. Can you have sugar free squashes and fruit teas? Have you tried sipping hot/warm water with a slice of lemon? Just hold on in there.
you should be able ot sugar free squashes and diluted fruit juice, i was told as much fluids as i wanted as long as no sugar.

I also used the milk for coffee helped it go down easier, lol typical i cant stomach the coffee now, will try again in a few days now i have gone to soft foods.

allie focus on other things if possible, let the OH do the cooking and you go out for a walk or a snooze, that way temptation is taken away from you.

Just nudge us if you need distracting
hi allie....
i got a letter confirming i was on the waiting list in november 2008....i;ve heard nothing else since...how long did you have to wait???????
:cry:cinders xxx

Cinders, are you a Walsall Manor Patient?

If so, I would give them a ring, as people on here who were confirmed on the waiting list in December have already received their pre op appointments.
Hello, I am back and refreshed :D

Hows everyone?
Allie whenever you feel hungry make yourself a glass of squash or water, it really does help!
Walsall are not the best administrators! Give them a ring keep ringing them..

In January they made a stupid mistake and assumed I didn't have funding, I phoned the head of the PCT who faxed proof I had funding and I as given a date for TEN days away!!!!

Also after I had my band removed in October I had to see Mr Khan. My appointment was December 12th they canceled it for for Feb 20th 09.. I phoned Dr Heartland and complained and he told me come in on the 19th of December..

If I had not made them calls I'd still be waiting just to see Mr Khan and not be almost three weeks post op like I am. Also those of us who live locally alert them if you can take a date at short notice. When I did see Mr Khan on the 19th he had three cancellations that week!

This also works the other way around if you know you can't make a appointment. let them know ASAP so some one else can have it. Don't just not turn up...

If any one needs names and numbers just holla! The squeaky wheel gets the oil!!!
You've motivated me to ring up and chase my funding tomorrow Alexa, thank you x
Re Funding phone the PCT! It's your health care take charge of it, (you need to ask for the comishoning officer) the person who deals with funding.

Once you have phoned the PCT, Chase up the hospital. I assume I'm not allowed to pass names and numbers on via the open forum and I don't think I have pm's?

I can be found on facebook Alexa Faith Capello I can send you names and numbers via that.

It has been said one of the Walsall surgeons has gone on holiday. Hence Vicky's postponement. But like I said people cancel for all manor of reasons from Flue to just plain backing out. if you let them know your local and take late notice cancellations thats great.

Once you are on the waiting list there is a national 18 week target to get you operated on. Dates "usually" come within six weeks of pre op appointments..

BE WARNED! If you tick you snore on that pre op form they tend to make you wait for sleep apnia test!!!

Another thing.. Once you have your date have your bag ready be sober and be available for because it is not rare for them to call you in the night before the op or if you have a sat date they can call you in on Wednesday and Thursdays so be fit and ready just in case they call.

At the hospital people do not leave there beds until they have been officially discharged and the chemist has double checked the meds this can be right up until about 4pm ish. so if they phone you on day of administration saying they don't have a bed don't worry they are prob just waiting to discharge people.

I went in on a Wednesday afternoon had surgery on the Thursday morning, had my swallow test Friday was home Saturday. I was due out the following Wednesday! So if like other patients are up and out pretty fast that frees beds up and they MAY call you in at very short notice. They have been known to call you in at 8pm! if a bed is free you have got to grab it!
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