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Hi folks, just checking if anyone has heard from wanna be a yummy mummy since yeterday morning? I haven't been on all day and just wanted to check if she was feeling any better.

If yu are reading this Kate, then hope you are feeling ok!!! Keep your chin up babes

I'm here, im here, im here lol

Aaaahhhh all this concern is lovely :)

I havn't been feeling great this past couple of days, feeling really sick and absolutely no energy, had to get sickness tablets off the doc :(

But im feeling better today although I could literally eat my bloody arm off im that hungry, I could eat black bean, curry, fish and chips, burgers...you name it I could eat it :eatdrink012:

Got good news yesterday, my adoption is going ahead next Friday :family2: only down side is we cant have a party cos im on fluids only and no-one knows about my op but thats ok cos me gettin skinny is my main concern!!

My op couldn't have happened at a better time, my hubby was suppose to go back into work on Tuesday but unfortunately my sons school was closed down as 1 of the pupils got swine flu and because my son could have been in direct contact with him who is then obviously in contact with my hubby, my hubby isn't allowed back into work until next Wednesday :happy036:

So im makin the most of havin my hubby off for a while (full pay) then he's back in for 2 days and then off because of the 12th July (Banks close, he's a bank manager) so he's off for another 3 days, it couldn't be any better
Hey babes!!!!

Glad your are feeling better than before!! Glad you aren't regretting it anymore!

Fantastic news on the adoption and enjoy your hubby for the next few days ...... get him to look after you...or else!

take care babes

Yes feeling much better thanks hun x Am so happy about the adoption, finally that b*astard is out of my life for good and cant suddenly turn up on my door step, my son is so happy that his 'daddy' is now going to be his 'real daddy' its just sooooo good at the moment, my weight loss will be the icing on the cake. Phil doesn't let me lift a finger anyway so he couldn't look after me anymore tha he already does, im so lucky x