Big an Bouncy
New Member
Got my hairdresser round,had my long hair chopped,badly needed it too.I was starting to look like a witch!Its shoulder length now and more highlighted to hide the grey.I can still put it up if I fancy a change.Did me good to have a girly chat to
ff to the gyneacologist first thing to see if he will send a letter to add to my funding application evidence.Fingers crossed he will.Had a mri scan last month on my eye/nose cos of the infections i had in my face,phoned to ask about the results and they want my to have it done again
Wasnt very happy first time so stayed dead still so that I wouldnt have to go through it again too.Thats booked for Nov 5th.Then the secretary phoned again while I was out shopping.Hubs said not to worry she will phone tomorrow.I deffo need putting down all me bits are dropping off,my health has really taken a turn for the worse BP and colesterol gone up too.Nevermind my hair looks healthy even if Im not!!!!lol Maz x