going on to module one Monday 8th dec
Hi every one, feeling great everything seem to settle once i stopped the buscopam re cramps and contractions.
Did not realize till tuesday pm that what i had were hunger pains , never usually get them and not as severe as that but it was 4 days since i had anything to eat.
Did a full day at work 8am - 4am Weds and was feeling great.
Had mainly skimmed milk, activia vanilla yoghurt 1 pot, 2 bowls clear chicken soup.
Not made any plans to go out this wk after work taking it easy in that respect.
Today had a conference at Heaton park and the food was amazing took some sweet potato a sweet peeper with rice and some spoon of cranbeeries.
Everyone looked at my plate,just said my stomach was a bit off and discreetly mashed it up (the sweet potato) only had room for 1/2 small side plate later had 3 thin slices of melon 1 slice of pineapple
Tonite had jelly and yoghurt small ramkin
and bowl of clear chicken soup.
Anyway got a big envelope of booklets re the 3 stages of this 6 month program.
It contains lots of goal planning, what was the original triggers for gaining weigh and loads of other questions which you feed back over time with your Advisor plus a food plan to begin next Monday,once i have made an appt to see her which i will do tomorrow.
Feeling a bit tired today will get back to reading all your great posts over the wk end.
Spoke to Blonde Moment and we think it would be good to have a thread for Gasric Ballon section is that possible?
Big Thanks to all,will weight self on Sat a week after the procedure.Goodnight all