Hi hun, I know it must be frustrating to see what you call 'slow' loss after wls. I hope you don't mind but I am going to be honest with you. At less than 2 months post op, the only real reason that weight loss stops is because you are not eating and/or drinking enough to sustain your body so it is holding onto every calorie you eat. Later on when you have a stall, it can be for many various reasons but not so soon post-op.
As for your weight loss thus far, you must be realistic, 12lbs-1 stone per month is the high end of average for most people for the first 3 months. You have lost 2 stone plus another 4lbs! That is an average of 4lbs/week which is excellent so you should be proud of that. If you look at some bypassers that are more than 6 months post-op (Shelbell, HC, Fat-girl-slim, Tendersage all post often so you can look for yourself), you will see a trend. 3 or so pounds a week is great and in the high normal range, 2lbs a week is perfectly on track and don't let yourself think otherwise.
Shel - 100lbs in 33 weeks =3.03lbs/week
(adjusted to not include her last 15 baby weeks)
HC - 100lbs in 33 weeks =3.03lbs/week
Tendersage 68lbs in 22 weeks =3.09lbs/week
Fat-girl-slim - 84lbs in 29 weeks =2.9lbs/week
Me - 115lbs in 34 weeks =3.38lbs/week
*This does not include losses before the pre-op diet, Tendersage not sure how much you lost on pre-op diet alone so let me know so I can tweak it if it is wrong.
So you are bang on 'normal' hun, enjoy your success. If the stall weeks are upsetting you, make an effort to up your food intake and fluids. Also remember to be kind to yourself and know that any loss is good loss and as long as you are moving in the right direction don't worry about it so much.
Best of luck,