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weight loss is really slow.....help!!!!!!!!

Lisa J

hi all,
i had my bypass on may 13th just over 5wks ago including my pre-op which makes my diet almost 8wks ive lost 32lbs which im really pleased with but im am abit fed up with only a 4lb loss in the last 4wks. i went 2wks with no weight loss at all then i lost 4lb the next week and thought at last its starting again but now another week later its stopped again. :(

lisa xxx
That must be so frustrating, I can't really advise though. Are you following the advice on post op eating?
I'm beginning to think we expect miracles!! I thought hmmm now I've had my op I will wake up tomorrow 6 stone lighter - haha lol! However, I'm 5 weeks post op + 2 weeks pre op diet so 7 weeks in total and have lost 25 lbs. Some people seem to lose loads quickly, others are much slower. I have been a bit frustrated, but decided not to worry - I'm eating far less calories, I know there is malabsorbtion, so I'm thinking that it will go eventually. I hope anyway!! I've been taking pictures of me, and can see a difference so that really is a positive AND, I know I won't put it back on!!! Hang on in there babe - 'good things come to he who waits!!' x x
Hi Lisa

I havent had a bypass,i am a sleever but i had my op a week before you and my weight loss is about 2lbs a week now,i know we shouldnt but i do think when we read someone has lost loads in the first weeks or months we think "what am i doing wrong"and we shouldnt ,we are all different.
Also alot of other members say that have stalled when others dont seem to have .
All i am trying to say is we all have a different metabolic rate and our bodies will do what it needs to in order to carry on working properly and if that means low or no weight loss for a while then so be it.
For me if i loose 2lbs a week for the next year thats a 8st loss,thats more than i could have ever hope for before wls.:D
thanks everyone for your comments.

lisa xxx
im a bander my only advice would be make sure your eating enough so your body not in starvation mode drink loads of water and up the exercise
I'm a bypasser. Had op on 1st April (no, it wasn't an April fool - have the scar and weight loss to prove it!)

I have had very similar patter of loss. I'd lost 2 stone by the end of week 3 post op then it all staretd slowing, one week I put on 2lbs despite hardly eating or drinking a thing. And therein lay the clue - my body was going into a panic and hanging onto it;s stores.

My problem is I forget to eat and drink and land out not eating or drinking enough.

Up your calories a bit and drink as much water as you can, it really does help.

Also, I know it is hard, but we are all different weights and shapes so comparing ourselves to the next person isn't the best thing to do.

I have come round to losing 2lbs a week. Slow and steady and if I work with my pouch, I know they will be 2lbs per week I will never regain.
Hi hun, I know it must be frustrating to see what you call 'slow' loss after wls. I hope you don't mind but I am going to be honest with you. At less than 2 months post op, the only real reason that weight loss stops is because you are not eating and/or drinking enough to sustain your body so it is holding onto every calorie you eat. Later on when you have a stall, it can be for many various reasons but not so soon post-op.

As for your weight loss thus far, you must be realistic, 12lbs-1 stone per month is the high end of average for most people for the first 3 months. You have lost 2 stone plus another 4lbs! That is an average of 4lbs/week which is excellent so you should be proud of that. If you look at some bypassers that are more than 6 months post-op (Shelbell, HC, Fat-girl-slim, Tendersage all post often so you can look for yourself), you will see a trend. 3 or so pounds a week is great and in the high normal range, 2lbs a week is perfectly on track and don't let yourself think otherwise.

Shel - 100lbs in 33 weeks =3.03lbs/week
(adjusted to not include her last 15 baby weeks)
HC - 100lbs in 33 weeks =3.03lbs/week
Tendersage 68lbs in 22 weeks =3.09lbs/week
Fat-girl-slim - 84lbs in 29 weeks =2.9lbs/week
Me - 115lbs in 34 weeks =3.38lbs/week

*This does not include losses before the pre-op diet, Tendersage not sure how much you lost on pre-op diet alone so let me know so I can tweak it if it is wrong.

So you are bang on 'normal' hun, enjoy your success. If the stall weeks are upsetting you, make an effort to up your food intake and fluids. Also remember to be kind to yourself and know that any loss is good loss and as long as you are moving in the right direction don't worry about it so much.

Best of luck,
you will still be loosing inches, though in the early days it doesnt seem as noticable. get the tape measure out and start tracking them inches instead.
The weight will start to drop again just look at what Nic's worked out for you. You are on track so stop panicking. As for the tape measure Carole mentioned I don't think they do them big enough for me lol.
Good luck and next week you'll be here telling us about the fab loss you've had lol
thank you all for your kind words i will be more positive from now on! i felt quite guilty after my winge, there are so many people on here who are having such problems just getting the surgery....puts things into perspective.

lisa xxx
Don't feel guilty Lisa it is just how you are feeling and that is what minis is all about. I think you are doing really well and just think at least it has gone forever. Good luck with the rest of your journey.
The weight will start to drop again just look at what Nic's worked out for you. You are on track so stop panicking. As for the tape measure Carole mentioned I don't think they do them big enough for me lol.
Good luck and next week you'll be here telling us about the fab loss you've had lol

gaynor it didnt go around me to begine with i used to have to keep my fingers at each end of the gap where the tape didnt meet and measure that. lol how embarrasing admitting to it.