Born Free
footie season = football widow = grrr 
What a depressing weekend this has been! Stuck indoors with only the ironing board to keep me company. My sis was going to visit today but she phoned to say that she's hung over from last night. My OH was reffing this morning and at the Boro match this afternoon so I've been on my own. Needless to say the kitchen cupboards have been raided
- luckily I didn't buy in anything I actually like in the Saturday shop - just the stuff to make the week's meals with. So that's left me even more frustrated - so I've taken it out on the wardrobes - gone through all the clothes and bedding and chucked all the old, faded, 'never wear' stuff in a bin bag for the next charity bag coming round. Just had a bath so I feel much better now.
Need to make plans so next weekend (bank hol) isn't this bad.
What a depressing weekend this has been! Stuck indoors with only the ironing board to keep me company. My sis was going to visit today but she phoned to say that she's hung over from last night. My OH was reffing this morning and at the Boro match this afternoon so I've been on my own. Needless to say the kitchen cupboards have been raided
Need to make plans so next weekend (bank hol) isn't this bad.