Cool!!! Sounds awesome Sarah.. but I am an old rock chick so pretty biased haha
We have been watching pokemon again (only another 500 or so episodes to catch up with the newest series!!)
I made a card for Mum in law this morning, wrapped her pressies and hopefully will be able to speak to my Mum today, I might just text her and phone her properly tomorrow as I know she is really weak at the moment and I don't want to tire her out. I expect my brothers and sis will see her today.
Just done all the stuff for the coming week (uniforms , laundry etc) and apart from bathing the kids , everything is done.
Dean took the boys to his folks so I caught up with the housewifery and now I am going to put my feet up and mess about on the PC.
Going to have more meatballs (or southern fried chicken) in a few and a bit of cheesecake or belgian choc tart after.
Then it's back to action stations tomorrow!!