thanks Cheryl, just nervous lol xIf you don't sleep you'll get s false reading hun , have a warm milky drink & relax xx
hahahaha great word!!! thanks YveWhen I spoke to my doc he said a lot of people said that; even a 10 minute catnap will show if you have sleep apnoea because you will be overtired and drop into an attempt to get some REM sleep. I am crossing my fingers for you and hoping you'll be joining us hoseheads soon.
hahahahaha rotten git!!! how funny :8855:I laughed too first time I heard it; it's either that or my bf calls me darth vader!
hahahahaha no but its the first time ive wanted to sleep when i haveCome on Caren ... go to sleep, babeits not the first time you have taken an electrical appliance to bed, is it
i heard propping youre head up would help lol, never mind im just gonna sleep as normalooh fingers crossed you get a crap nights sleep tonight. lie on your back all night with no pillows!! that makes sa worse. ooooh, the things we'll do to get referred! lol gl xxxx
oh yeah i know you alrightBetter leave this one there ...could get naughty & you know me :angel09::angel09:
Come on Caren ... go to sleep, babeits not the first time you have taken an electrical appliance to bed, is it
Thanks Cheryl, at least it wasnt a noOh what a bugger ! Hope the other test is more conclusive for you xx
hi TherezaAny news?