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What health gain has wls given you


New Member
Hi all just wondered what health gain wls has given you, apart from extra energy! I have fibromyalgia and i am hoping that losing the extra load will help me. Be interested to know of anyone else who has had a big health boost ! pat
hi pat my back dont hurt as much, and my arthritic knees dont hurt so much, unfortunatly my b/p is stil med controlled.
I used to walk like a chimp (all bent over) from back troubles. As a matter of fact, I spent the 3 mos. prior to my DS in bed due to my back. At about 2 months postop, I was walking normally.

I had high glucose levels, now it's gone.

I had an incredibly high cholesterol level (and my family is predisposed to heart problems -- everyone is on statins and isn't big) and now it's low.
I have had amazing health gains from the op. I have -

Systemic Lupus - no flares since op
Interstitial nephritus - kidney function normal for first time in 17 years
Fibromyalgia - only one flare since op, pain levels reduced
Anti-phospholipid syndrome - reduced symptoms
Iritus/Uveitus - no flares since op
psoriasis - no change
Arthritus (psoriatric and lupus) - pain levels drastically reduced, using wheelchair / mobility scooter far less. no longer taking script painkillers
Postoral Hypotension - has got worse, but manageable.

HTH :)
It has led me to have "normal" readings on every blood sugar test for my diabetes2, I now have a cholestoral level of 4.2 as opposed to 7.9. My blood pressure is normal and I can do so much more.

This weekend fiance and I went away fro a night, the B and B had a pool, 10 meters long, I managed 20 lengths and 20 mins aqua aerobics, did 2 hours walk on first day and then second day got up at 5.30am, did an hours walk on my own, then walked all round Cambridge for 3 hours. So my energy levels are slightly up...LOL.

I just feel so much more able...and I love it...cannot wait til I have a healthy BMI and can do so much more.
It has led me to have "normal" readings on every blood sugar test for my diabetes2, I now have a cholestoral level of 4.2 as opposed to 7.9. My blood pressure is normal and I can do so much more.

This weekend fiance and I went away fro a night, the B and B had a pool, 10 meters long, I managed 20 lengths and 20 mins aqua aerobics, did 2 hours walk on first day and then second day got up at 5.30am, did an hours walk on my own, then walked all round Cambridge for 3 hours. So my energy levels are slightly up...LOL.

I just feel so much more able...and I love it...cannot wait til I have a healthy BMI and can do so much more.

Hi Caz,

I'm waiting for Bypass, but wanted to know how soon after having Band fitted to Diabetes, Blood Pressure and Cholesterol improve? as I have them also.
I used to take three different tablets for high blood pressure have come off them all in under six months of having surgery. My biggest change has been no daily horrible headaches from sleep apnea which ruined my life for a few years. This was the first thing to change. After waking up every morning feeling like someone had hit me on the back of the head and taking pain killers to no effect it is fantastic to suffer no more.....it it truely amazing how quickly the body repairs itself....xx
Hi Caz,

I'm waiting for Bypass, but wanted to know how soon after having Band fitted to Diabetes, Blood Pressure and Cholesterol improve? as I have them also.

It took me 5 months to get cholesterol to the level it is now but even after a month there was a good drop, BP was normal within a month and the diabetes was under control in same time due to smaller amounts of healthy food and weightloss.

I imagine that everyone differs but as you are having a bypass, the weightloss is quicker, so maybe so will your results show quicker too.

Good luck in your journey :)
wow, well thats an awfull lot of improvement, shellbel I am really happy for you, you must have been in a lot of pain. very interested to hear the fibro has improved as that is one of my main aims for wanting wls. The flare ups are awfull not long ago i was 10 days in bed with muscle spasm across top of my back and as my OH is disabled I cannot really afford to be laid up. lucky I have very helpful kids ! Thanks everyone for the replys they were really interesting. pat
Well I have to say I didnt have any real health issues but I did have lots of aches and pains, terrible lethargy, could walk no distance without being in pain, out of puff, red faced and really sweaty, high blood pressure and my sex life was crap coz I was so big and could hardly move and my confidence was so low

Pleased to say I have no aches and pains, feel full of energy, walk walk quite briskly with no ill effects, blood pressure right down and my sex life has improved dramatically both from the movement and confidence point of view!! ;)
Medical issues pre-op // As of 6 months post-op

Type II Diabetes // I have just been given the okay to stop metformin completely
Hypertension (barely controlled) // Is well controlled w/meds now
PCOS // Reduced symptoms and less PMT
Pseudotumor Cerebri // completely resolved
Migraines (hormonal onset) // reduced to once a month from once a week
Asthma, exertion and allergy induced // have much fewer exertion related attacks
Osteoartritis of the cervical & lumbar spine // went from daily pain killers to accupuncture & no meds
Cervical spine kyphosis (curved neck) // weightloss has reduced curve by 50%
Sciatic nerve damage // no episodes in 6 months
IBS // never have problems, healthy diet made it resolve
Keratosis Pilaris/Rubia Faceii (dry bumpy skin condition on my arms, legs &torso which also makes my face and eyebrows 'blush' and is itchy) // due to more hydration, healthy eating & supplements 25% improvement

I have had amazing health gains from the op. I have -

Systemic Lupus - no flares since op
Interstitial nephritus - kidney function normal for first time in 17 years
Fibromyalgia - only one flare since op, pain levels reduced
Anti-phospholipid syndrome - reduced symptoms
Iritus/Uveitus - no flares since op
psoriasis - no change
Arthritus (psoriatric and lupus) - pain levels drastically reduced, using wheelchair / mobility scooter far less. no longer taking script painkillers
Postoral Hypotension - has got worse, but manageable.

HTH :)

Hi Shel,

I hope you don't mind me asking, but were any of the above weight-related, or blamed on your weight gain?
My high blood pressure is back to normal.
My diabeties is no longer.
My Sleap Apnia is cured.
My nasal breathing problems are cured.
My smelly body odur is cured aswell ............... lol.
if we were animals we would of been put out of our misery lol :eek:
Hi Shel,

I hope you don't mind me asking, but were any of the above weight-related, or blamed on your weight gain?

Nope, none are caused by weight gain. Some are made worse by being overweight, such as the arthritic problems. Lupus can be worse when overweight too apparently.

I'm just the freak of the family, none of my conditions are inherited.
I didnt have any health issues before my op. I have noticed I dont get out of breath now when I go on long walks
Wow, what a lot of improvements in health people have had. Not only improving people's health and quality of life, confidence etc but also saving the NHS loads of money with the treatment it would have to spend on all these ailments had people's surgery not taken place. I wonder if this info. on health improvements has been collated by anyone in order to push for more surgeries?
Been up most of the night with pain in lower back, like a walking zombie today, no change there then! What a huge range of health improvements, seems most things not caused by over weight but definetley made worse. I am so hoping that my fibro and osteo arthritis is improved, just been out to feed the chickens and could hardly carry the buckets. Feeling like that does not induce the want to exercise! However very cheered by all your reply's. Perhaps the NHS should read this and maybe they wouldn't be so slow to offer WLS to people who need it.