Thank you all for the advise well after the last few days being sick all the time some mentioned it could be acid reflux so i thought about what i was eating and drinking, for breakfast i normally have a glass of orange juice watered down but this morning I changed this for a farleys rusk in semi skimmed milk went down fine and stayed down was doing fantastic untill i had some sf squash and immediatley it came back but a coffee stayed down, Im now just sticking to plain water as i seem to bring up any cold drink i try even flavoured water

I then thought I would have a boveril drink as I had been so ill the last few days but the look of it made me gag so that went down the sink, for dinner I had 2 melba toast with salmon spread on yum yum, for tea i had smoked haddock, potatos, 1 sprig of brocolli and 2 carrots with loads of parsley sauce fork mashed. I managed 2 small spoons of fish in the parsley sauce and i got the full pain but like normal i pushed it and had another spoon, it was so yummy but i paid the price for it i never got to taste the mash or veg.
I went to the doctors today to sort out my medication, i also told him about my throat being sore he confirmed that i had a swollen throat and that it could be from beign sick so much but more likely to be a viral infection but never gave me anything for it just told me to drink lots of fluids which wont be a problem at the moment as im constantly thirsty, im now wondering if i attually had a infection which was not connected with the bypass but as i was only 4 weeks post op immediatley thought it was. My doctor also weighed me today and i have lost 3 stone exactly, before my op my goal was i wanted to be around 16 stone when i went on my holidays on 21st june, I currently weigh 15 stone 6lbs so now im aiming for the 14 stones
And finally.......
I saw it today

, i noticed that i had lost alot of weight and even though i say it myself i look bloody fantastic

I went swimming today and did half and hour constant gentle frog style swimming, i really enjoyed it but after the half hour i felt a little pain so immediatley got out the pool. I cant remember the last time i went swimming which is a sport i love but was to embarassed to go, not only was my smallest costume to big for me but i caught a glimpse of myself and was very happy with what i saw. I will see how i feel tomorrow, if i feel ok i will do another half an hour but if i ache a little i will leave it for a day.
Am I eating enough as I cant seem to get anymore in, Im now 5 weeks post op and on a typical day I will have:
1 farley rusk with ss milk
1 coffee
unlimited squash (changed to plain water)
cooked meal fork mashed with lots of sauce can manage 2-3 small spoons
2 melba toast with either salmon ir crab paste on