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What made you decide?


New Member
What factors made you go for band, bypass or sleeve?
I'm having real trouble deciding, my mind changes daily...
Any insight would greatly help
Thanks all
Rudders x
While finance was part of the decision making process I just didn't want an op so invasive as the bypass or sleeve, so opted for the band. I know it's more effort than the other options, but I have made it fit into my life and have no regrets now I am over ten stones down :)
i had DS i eat a lot of meat so the protein is no problem :) also i wanted no chance of ever getting fat again :( my diabetes has gone my sleep apnea has gone my arthiritis is still apinful but can move about so much easier and quicker than i could for years x goos luck with your decision but i think you will soon have loads of information to help :)
the consultant advised me to have a sleeve becos based on my relationship with food ,a band wouldnt work .I trust them to know the best option for me .I only recently realised it was the sleeve I am having cos I originally thought it was the bypass.
basically i'm just sick of being FAT and diets alone dont work as i have fibromyalgia and chronic fatigue its very difficult to excercise because of the continus pain im in or im just completly tired out and unable to leave my bed!!! its a no hoper for me i wantsome srt of life :)
unfortunately my fibromyalgia is still there pain won't disappear but the reasons behind it will make it easier when they disappear :)
I did a lot of reading before my first appt on the pros and cons of all procedures. My provider doesn't do wraps/sleeves so that was out and I felt that I needed the discipline of a bypass. Plus I didn't like the idea of a band inside me, I just wanted it done and dusted. But everyone is different and it depends on your eating/exercise habits and how much weight you have to lose really. Be guided by your surgeon.
I didn't want a particularly invasive surgical method, and as a single parent this was something that was of a real concern with me.

When I went to see my provider regarding the band, they advised me it would be suggested what may be the best option, but Mr Ashton agreed the band was the best option for me, and my circumstances, despite having a weight loss target of almost 13 stones.

I chose my provider as I wanted one whose surgeon had a zero % mortality rate during surgery and in relation to the band op, this was something really important to me, and which also eliminated certain providers as they couldn't offer that zero %.
Hmmm let's see. Leisions developing in armpits and under belly/ boils etc (ouch). Struggle to buy decent clothes that fit. Diabetes type 2 onset. etc...

Been overweight for the past 32 years. Time I declared 'ENOUGH' and start taking drastic measures such as RnY.
Thanks for your responses, ideally I would like to lose around 8st. My problem is portion size and recognising when I'm full without getting to the point of pain and the inability to move LOL. My downfall is bread, toast, crumpets and cheesy pasta foods. Not fussed with chocolate (thank goodness) what do you think best suits?. I am awaiting funding result from my specialist so fingers crossed x
Thanks again
Rudders x
You could read 'weight loss surgery for dummies' and see what all the procedures are, what type of person/eater they most suit and the aftercare and lifestyle changes required. I saw the book in the library too, so you don't even have to buy it!
Other than that I'd suggest you listen to the surgical team you are allocated to as they will have a view. Arming yourself with facts and information ahead of appointments could assist you getting the best option for you.

Good luck.
rudders said:
Thanks for your responses, ideally I would like to lose around 8st. My problem is portion size and recognising when I'm full without getting to the point of pain and the inability to move LOL. My downfall is bread, toast, crumpets and cheesy pasta foods. Not fussed with chocolate (thank goodness) what do you think best suits?. I am awaiting funding result from my specialist so fingers crossed x
Thanks again
Rudders x

Well I've had a bypass and I'm 2 yrs post op,
I've lost 8 stone,was a Sz 26 now 12/14 Jean 10/12 top.
The foods I struggle with now are
Sometimes meat if not chewed enough
Best go with the op that suits your bad habits x
I had the sleeve. I researched it and decided that the Band wasn't for me as I wanted something to stop me overeating as I couldn't tell when I was full. Couldn't afford to have bypass to be honest. I have good and bad days but I'm only 4 weeks today post op. If I had the choice again I think I would still go with the sleeve
I decided to go for the bypass as it's irreversible and can't be changed.

Also it has the highest percentage of actual weight loss.