New Member
Oh wow, something odd and unpleasant happened to me last night!!!! I felt really good yesterday in comparison to the other days since the bypass, although I recognise its still early on in the recovery process (5 days yesterday). The permanent bloated feeling was all but gone and I felt really quite upbeat in general. Although I couldnt say I felt hungry, the idea of food or trying to eat wasnt completely repellant to me. Dont worry I didnt eat!! My husband needed to go to Tesco so because I'm so bored of all the usual liquids I've been having I thought I'd try some tomato soup, basically coz it tastes nice and theres no bits in it. He made it for me and put it in what I would call a normal sized mug. It smelled delicious and I was really looking forward to it. As I expected it tasted like nectar from the Gods. I had 3 quarters of it but I'm pretty sure I had it too quickly. Fairly quickly I began with light headedness and general feeling of yuckiness. Then I got the swollen/bloated feeling in a major way, but worst of all my heart was like a galloping horse. I felt like I could be sick although when I tried nothing came. That said, I wasnt forcing it, in case I ruptured something and all my stitches inside and out pinged out!!!!!
I just lay down till it passed which it did but it wasnt nice. So, did I just drink it to quickly and have too much? Or is tomato soup laden with sugar and I dumped? Or both??

I just lay down till it passed which it did but it wasnt nice. So, did I just drink it to quickly and have too much? Or is tomato soup laden with sugar and I dumped? Or both??