New Member
I don't take anything. My diet is now pretty varied and my bloods all came back normal. Woohoo! Get me!
Gill, I am being a nosey cow but did your team really not tell you to take suplements? It absolutely goes against ALL RESEARCH on the bypass to not advise at least a multi-vit & mineral, and in 99% of cases calcium & iron supps as well. It is great that your bloods came back with good results but sometimes it takes the body time to become deficient and by the time you do become deficient you could suffer serious medical complications!!!! I have know several people who have become very ill very quickly and had to have blood transfusions due to low iron at 6 months post-op!
The idea of you becoming ill from bad aftercare makes me worried so please excuse my sticking my nose in, just tell me to butt out, I won't take offence!