ive read this whole thread DYING to tell my stories to you all....but before i do, i want to say that once we have been through surgery and are once again 'accepted' into the 'norm' we will never become one of these people...never be derogatory or spiteful.....we will have been through the think AND thin of it all......bollox to all the haters!!!!
ive not been abused in the street and to be fair, im too sarcastic and witty to allow it to get to the point where they win

but i have heard....
'you wouldn't be you if you weren't big!'
'you don't worry about your weight do you?'
'blimey' you dont get many of them to the lb' (my mahoosive boobies!)
after losing 3 stone....'jeez, dont get wasting away!' (erm from 22 stone....dont think i made a dent mate!)
Hubby (love him) c'mon, youve GOT to eat (after a busy day and all i want is wine) me'im not likely to waste away now am i?
I have ALL the fat jokes under my belt, when i first met OH i was the queen of fat stop people saying it to me i would say it before they did....
he hated that part of me and it took a while but i had stopped doing it.....since this journey it has all started again and i do notice my work colleagues getting embarrassed when i make a joke so im trying very hard to stop it...
i make an effort. hair, makeup, clothes....i AM pretty (even admitted by me lol) but i wish my body would catch up with my face lol....and thats my one defence....
if ANYONE said ANY of the above comments that you have all probably use my fat ass to knock em into next week! lmao