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Who's Pics Did I See?! (Can't find them now...)


New Member
The other day I was looking through the forums and saw some photos posted by a girl who has already had the surgery. They were SO inspiring and I wish I'd saved the thread because now I can't find it again. I wanted to show my mother the remarkable difference but argh, I searched and searched and can't find it now!

The pre-op photos were of a girl with strawberry blond-ish curly hair, a few freckles. If I'm not mistaken she had some photos from when she was in the hospital.

Her later photos showed a slim girl with an amazing style. I remember one photo in particular of her standing in front of a wooden fence in a black and red (??) dress. It was very form fitting and her overall style was sort of vintage. She was wearing black ballerina shoes and I believe she had a tattoo on top of her foot. Her hair was also darker in the new photos.

There was another photo that showed her sort of close up, and I THINK she may have had a piercing somewhere on her face but I may be wrong about that. I've looked at so many photos recently I may be mixing some up.

If anyone can remember who this member is or even better, find me that thread, I'd be very grateful! I want to show my mother as it's one example of WLS success that I can't get out of my mind.

THANKS all!! :)
I think this is in the plastic surgery section. And i dont think it was surgery, think it was low cal, could be wrong though!! X
Play the word games hun, you'll soon get there

I have 50 posts now but still can't view galleries. I've SCOURED the photo threads, the plastic surgery forum etc and still can't find her. This is like when you can't remember the name of a song, it's going to haunt me until I find it haha
I have 50 posts now but still can't view galleries. I've SCOURED the photo threads, the plastic surgery forum etc and still can't find her. This is like when you can't remember the name of a song, it's going to haunt me until I find it haha
maybe the pics were in a thread?
Yeah they were, I THINK the original photo she posted was her in the hospital and then as the thread went on she posted more of her before / after photos. It's driving me absolutely bananas! The difference was phenomenal and she looked so cool in the after photos with her sort of 50's style. I thought maybe people might remember her.
awww blimey! poor you :( keep going lol
Wasn't PiiNK_PuNkStarr x you were looking at was it? Her transformation is out of this world!

H x
I FOUND IT! I actually searched back through my browser history for days and days until I found it haha These are the photos I was talking about: http://www.wlsurgery.com/gastric-by...0-1-year-9-months-out-surgery-food-diary.html

It wasn't just the weight loss but rather the massive style change (I assume she felt much more confident to try that sort of style after the weight loss as it is drastically different than before) I just love the transformation!
I FOUND IT! I actually searched back through my browser history for days and days until I found it haha These are the photos I was talking about: http://www.wlsurgery.com/gastric-by...0-1-year-9-months-out-surgery-food-diary.html

It wasn't just the weight loss but rather the massive style change (I assume she felt much more confident to try that sort of style after the weight loss as it is drastically different than before) I just love the transformation!
wow! i see what you mean, shes stunning!! :) x