New Member
Me I am big time i keep hearing stories lately about peeps puting the weight back on and more 1 id like to know how the hell are they doin this when you can only eat very small amounts or doesnt it always stay that way?
2 what the hell are they eating thats putin the weight back on ?
I alow myself once a month to have a lil treat and when i say lil i mean lil as im scared of dumping ie 3or4 malteasers or 2 spoonfulls of low fat ice cream or a pkt of low fat crisps i mean come on that wont put the weight back on will it?
i also got told the other day your ppouch grows back over time to the origanal size of your stomach WHAT????????
I dont remember getin told this also surely it cant coz we wouldnt have the room in out insides for 2 stomachs surely not

Now ive not put this thread up to scare any pre oppers as i would just like to say i would do this all over again in a heartbeat i wont say its easy its not theres alot to get ya head around but when you do it is worth it yeh i still miss food and dont think that will ever go away but when i weigh it up in my mind its a small sacrifice to pay for a healthier way of living and living is what im doing for the first time in yrs im not just existing anymore lin.x
2 what the hell are they eating thats putin the weight back on ?
I alow myself once a month to have a lil treat and when i say lil i mean lil as im scared of dumping ie 3or4 malteasers or 2 spoonfulls of low fat ice cream or a pkt of low fat crisps i mean come on that wont put the weight back on will it?
i also got told the other day your ppouch grows back over time to the origanal size of your stomach WHAT????????
I dont remember getin told this also surely it cant coz we wouldnt have the room in out insides for 2 stomachs surely not
Now ive not put this thread up to scare any pre oppers as i would just like to say i would do this all over again in a heartbeat i wont say its easy its not theres alot to get ya head around but when you do it is worth it yeh i still miss food and dont think that will ever go away but when i weigh it up in my mind its a small sacrifice to pay for a healthier way of living and living is what im doing for the first time in yrs im not just existing anymore lin.x