Hi guys and ty to all of u for all of ur post, and sorry 4 not responding individually.
Yes i am being very hard on myself as i am so scared of failure and gaining weight again and going back to the person in my signature who weighed 27.13 was housebound and could not leave the house on my own, and had no life for many years.
I have struggled food wise right from day one post bypass when it comes to eating protein (but also struggled with protein b4 my bypass) i also was on very strong opiate medication which caused me to be seriously sick and had to inject myself post bypass twice a day to control things, so when i felt a bit better i had to come off them even though i still suffer with chronic sciatica and osteoarthritis in most of my joints which is all my fault as i could not control the food i put in my mouth all my life.
Some of my old food habits have crept back in and this scares me as i feel out of control.
I know i have lost a big chunk of weight but that is just a drop in the ocean to what i do have to lose and this scares me as i feel if i dont be extra strict on myself i will spiral out of control big time food wise.
I have a few health issues at the mo and they are on mind quite a bit and after a long chat with my good friend Caroline1061 she convinced me i have to see my doc tomorrow and deal with one of them (just been today lol) and get a scan done tomorrow, as what ever i have in my tummy hopefully just a hernia is growing quite rapidly, it starts just above my first incision and is the shape and size of a rugby ball and is now making my underwear and jeans feel uncomfortable and it has been hurting me the past few days. My doc thinks it was a hernia when i showed it to him about 3 weeks ago but as my tummy is so massive and hangs to my knees(no exaggeration ) its hard to see properly but now the past few weeks its def sticking out more, so hopefully i will get a diagnosis on this very soon.
Anyway i have gone on far 2 much as per usual

ty again to all of u for all ur support i truly appreciate it.
Take care and have a good night, luv Roch xxxx