Liz, I looked in your album at the surgery pictures, and I was gobsmacked. You look amazing, they did a really nice job, I bet you felt having that skin removed eh? I really want to have my stomach done eventually,when I reach my goal and your living proof of how good it can look. I cant wait to look that good. Can I ask, why do you have a scar going from the belly button up to the ribs?
this scar is the new scar the surgery i had last december it was a correctional op from the fluer de lys tuck and also to help with the skin that used to be the spare tyre in the middle lol.
I thought that when they did a tummy tuck, they cut from hip to hip? My friend had it done on the NHS, and hers was not due to weight loss, like ours, she had the smallest roll going, but the "psychological" impact of that is what got her the surgery.
my original t/tuck wasnt a standard one its called a fluer de lys tuck its more painfull but the results are better once all healed up.
Did you have yours NHS or private?
i was Nhs plastics as its part of the follow up here on our nhs system so im very lucky as not al areas fund these proceedures.
What was the recovery period?
with the original op recovery was approx 3 months it was very painfull and the T shape at the bottom of the scar kept opening due to infection.
How long did you have off of work. My friend at work was out about 5-6 weeks I think, it was 3 years ago, so cant quite remember. She has not taken advantage of it though and has gained a bit of weight lately. Did you have your underlying stomach muscles tightend also?
the original tuck they did mess with my muscles a little i think thats why it was so painfull.
How do they deal with your port and tubing during this surgery?
my 1st plastics op didnt effect my band, but my bands not working right now as this new scar goes righ up to the port in my chest and we think they knocked the tubing away from the port hence the fills failing again.
Did you have to be deflated before surgery? sorry about all the questions, but I really want to have this done also.
some plastic surgeons empty the band, mine wasnt emptied either time.