I have spent my whole cruise discovering there is lots I can no longer eat. Being only eight weeks post op I'm hoping that will change over time. Scrambled egg, the dark meat of chicken & certain fish got stuck after two small forkfuls. No matter how well chewed I ended up with the "rabid dog phenomenon" Yet I was okay with the much denser lamb, beef and pork?? Anything with a slightly higher fat content had me sitting on the loo for hours.. My pork stir fry the night before ruined our trip in Funchal, Madeira as we spent it hunting loos! Whole fat milk is to be avoided at all costs too and only discovered half way through the cruise that my lattes where made with the stuff! Thought I was safe with bran flakes and also with granola. Nope

. Sugar free mousse knocked me for six! Then there was our second night of the cruise where I honestly thought someone slipped me a Mickey Finn as I could not focus and couldn't keep my eyes open. I kept falling asleep mid conversation and felt "confused". Hubby had to lead me to our cabin, lie me down but can't remember getting from A-B but do remember saying to him that I would be fine in a bitty ...yeah right... I woke up 5hours later tucked up in bed with my clothes still on!