New Member
Aawwwwe it won't let me yet
it says permission denied. I think I need to have more posts? X
That's so true. What op did you have ? X
I don't really pay attention to my BMI, or pounds for that matter, but to the way I look in clothes. I know, I sound shallow as hell but I think it really depends on how you carry your weight. Some people have an average BMI and look slim and fit; others have a lower BMI but still look a bit chubby in certain areas... So once I like the way I look and feel in clothes (without is another matter entirely!) I'll stop.
I sometimes wonder if eating a small ammount of high fat stuff might be beneficail. I have terrible constipation but read somewhere that some wlsers eat some double cream or full fat cheese and that gets them going !
Yeah I'm going to add more exercise to my routine,only 30 mins because I do 70 mins a day already see if that helps.