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Wind After RNY.....Please help


Hi All,

Would really love to know if anyone else has suffered with this or is it just me ?

I had my op on Wednesday and ever since have had such painful wind, my bottom half is bearable but the wind in my chest and back is sooo uncomfortable and is driving me mad.

Im doing everything as i should and am feeling as well as can be expected except for this, the hospital has told me it will past but when ?????

Im on fluids still at the mo and have no probs with them dont feel sick at all. But if i put my hand on my breast bone i can actually feel the wind rumbling and just cant shift it.

I feel as though i need to do huge burps but for the life of me cant burp, wind comes up as far as my throat gets stuck and goes back in to my chest which is really painful.

Soz to ramble on but if anyone else has experienced this, how did you shift it ? and will i eventually be able to burp ?

Thanks sooooo Much xxx
Could you not chew something like a chewable windeeze? As long as its soluble on the tongue and now swallow it whole it should be ok?

Maybe some other post oppers will be able to offer some advice on how they dealt with trapped wind. I must say this is one thing that is worrying me about the whole procedure.

I hope you get some relief soon x
They inflate you stomach cavity with gas to give them more room to work. This gas has to be worked out of your system so the more mobile and active you are the quicker is will dissipate.

It will get better trust me and a few days of discomfort is a small price to pay for a new life
Sorry you're suffering hun...i only had it quite mildly for a couple of days, think i got off lucky by the sounds of it. Like carlos said...get mobile and burp and fart as much as you can. Cheeky i know, but it needs to escape your body x
Try some gentle walking Hun xx
Walking around is good. But not sure if it was coincidence or not but i had a bath a few days post op and lets just say all wind dispersed! Eurgh! Such a lady?!?

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Keeping mobile is the answer, move and rotate your arms and shoulders to help with the pain in your back - a bit like swimming the breast stroke. You could also try some Peppermint cordial in some water, they gave me some of this in hospital, but not sure if it worked or not - each to there own I suppose.

Good luck with the windypops! :D
Thank you sooo much all, Yep went to the gp this morning to order meds and there is no quick fix, just going to take its time to work its way through im afraid.

He said the reason im having problems burping is because im all re - routed its going to take my body a little while to suss things out ?
I took some infacol, hot drinks, hot water bottle, bath and moved around as much as I could.

The hot baths worked wonders for me.

It does pass,I thought it wasn't going to but it does.
This sounds silly but has worked for some - get someone to wind you like a baby, patting and rubbing your back! And 'windmilling' your arms might help too. I swear by peppermint tea for all things windy lol. Hope you soon feel better:)