New Member
I can't believe this time 2 weeks ago I was sitting in a chair falling in and out of consciousness after my bypass surgery - now, 2 weeks on, I've had my stitches out, been weighed and lost 10 kilos and have found, the last couple of nights, I have woken up in my fave position (on my front) and it didn't hurt - yay - life is good!! 

So, today I had my 1st big family sit down meal (my Dad, Step Mum, 3 Brothers and Partner). My Step Mum was kind enough to cook my partners favourite meal (toad in the hole) as, for the moment, I am not really up for cooking meals - he loved it!
I had oxtail soup and it was so strange sitting around a table and observing everyone - I didn't feel hungry or resent them for eating the food but I did have another of my light bulb moments as I noticed how quickly they consumed it all and especially how much they consumed and all I could think was - I used to do that!
What was even worse was, I was still sitting there with my bowl of soup only half finished when they had polished off 1st and 2nd helpings! I also noticed after they had finished eating that there was one lonely sausage left and although I didn't want it myself I still couldn't stand it being there and knowing it would go to waste - another of my pre-bypass problems, I hate waste - and kept trying to force someone to eat - in the end I cut a little off and gave it to my dog lol!
All in all I thought I coped pretty well with the situation and my Dad couldn't believe that I left some of my soup, especially as I used to be the one who would be polishing off that last sausage - I know it will take him a while to get used to it - I must admit he wasn't as behind me as others were when I told him I had decided to go for the bypass and he didn't understand why I couldn't lose weight just by controlling my eating and exercise - I think he is started to see it now though after I have explained a few things to him and how things in my past have controlled my eating habits and how I am finally coming to terms with them - it's only taken 30 odd years!
One thing I did do today though, that I am not very proud off, is that I had a few sips of white wine - I guess I was just curious as to what it would do to me - so far I think I am ok - after all it was only a few sips - but I am not sure I will want to try it again for a while - how long did other bypassers wait until they had a drink and how did it affect them?
I think that's it - just rambling really and not sure exactly how interesting this post will be to others but I just fancied have a little ramble.......
So, today I had my 1st big family sit down meal (my Dad, Step Mum, 3 Brothers and Partner). My Step Mum was kind enough to cook my partners favourite meal (toad in the hole) as, for the moment, I am not really up for cooking meals - he loved it!
I had oxtail soup and it was so strange sitting around a table and observing everyone - I didn't feel hungry or resent them for eating the food but I did have another of my light bulb moments as I noticed how quickly they consumed it all and especially how much they consumed and all I could think was - I used to do that!
What was even worse was, I was still sitting there with my bowl of soup only half finished when they had polished off 1st and 2nd helpings! I also noticed after they had finished eating that there was one lonely sausage left and although I didn't want it myself I still couldn't stand it being there and knowing it would go to waste - another of my pre-bypass problems, I hate waste - and kept trying to force someone to eat - in the end I cut a little off and gave it to my dog lol!
All in all I thought I coped pretty well with the situation and my Dad couldn't believe that I left some of my soup, especially as I used to be the one who would be polishing off that last sausage - I know it will take him a while to get used to it - I must admit he wasn't as behind me as others were when I told him I had decided to go for the bypass and he didn't understand why I couldn't lose weight just by controlling my eating and exercise - I think he is started to see it now though after I have explained a few things to him and how things in my past have controlled my eating habits and how I am finally coming to terms with them - it's only taken 30 odd years!
One thing I did do today though, that I am not very proud off, is that I had a few sips of white wine - I guess I was just curious as to what it would do to me - so far I think I am ok - after all it was only a few sips - but I am not sure I will want to try it again for a while - how long did other bypassers wait until they had a drink and how did it affect them?
I think that's it - just rambling really and not sure exactly how interesting this post will be to others but I just fancied have a little ramble.......