New Member

Ravelling 2 down - 10lbs to go (start weight 172lbs)
Karma67 21lbs to go (start weight 223lbs
Lotsabeefy 13lbs to go (start weight 195)
Louanne79 - 12.5kg target - 0.80kg off/11.7kg to go (start weight 142.5kg)
Fashionably Late 2 lb lost, 13lbs to go (start weight 140lbs)
Tiarasandtantrums - would like to lose a further 8lbs even though I'm at target (start weight 138lbs)
Katastrophe - 15lbs to go ( Start weight 185lbs)
lurve2laugh - 3lbs lost, (start weight 18.06) would like to lose 14lb
Bev - (start weight 249 lbs) would like to lose 9lbs pre op
Dotty - (start weight 269lbs) would like to loose 21lbs 13lb lost...8lb to go!
Sacred Silence - (start weight 167lbs) would like to lose 27lbs
Dell Start weight 243lbs -21lbs to go
Amrac - 4 lbs down (start weight 184lbs) Would like to lose 8lbs
Ditzeeblonde - 4lbs down - 12lbs to go (start weight 194lbs)
karenlouisemee-21lbs to go (start weight 278lbs
JOWOOD4 - 14lbs to go (start weight 168lbs)
Katkit1 - start weight 168lbs - 20+lbs to lose!
hope2bthina-start weight 235lbs - 15lbs to lose
Phatmomma - start weight 234lbs - 10lbs to lose
Wombat - 2 kg lost, 8 to go. Start weight 83kg - 10 kg to lose:character00115: