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WLS RNY weight loss in the first month ?


Century Club
Hi guys

I am now 2 weeks post op (well v nearly) . . . before leaving hospital my consultant made sure I could deal with pureed foods and I am please to say that I have now managed to start the transformation to soft foods (corned beef, tinned stew, quiche and alike). Interestingly, I managed to lose 19lb on the liver diet (without much effort ~ it’s the keeping it up/off that is the hard part) – just after the op I weigh in had lost a further 9lb . . . today I am up to 30lb loss . . . which is great but as the greatest part of the loss was pre -op I don’t really feel like I have achieved anything – Yes, I guess, I was expecting a miracle transformation (after all the weight all went on overnight ~ silly me) . . . I note that an early thread made mention of swelling and fluid retention and that the really weight loss starts well anytime now . . . I would welcome any comments xx
Its perfectly normal to lose 14lbs a month for the first few months so thats a stone a month. I remember being really upset cause I was only losing 1lb a day at the very beginning and then I realised that amounted to 7lbs a week... trick is not to weight yourself every day. Once a week only. Also, you might very well stall during the first couple of weeks - thats normal too. There is no right or wrong - it comes off at its own pace!

im having a stall week i think. i managed to lose 13lbs my first week then only 3lbs last week. its the strangest feeling ever but the way i look at it is im losing weight thats not gonna come back so im just gonna take each week as it comes. just wanna get back to the gym.
Folks.. I understand the obsession with losing weight fast.. trust me I do, because I felt exactly the same way when I first had the op. But it's not realistic to think that everyone loses a stone a month or a pound a day. And it's not helpful or productive to keep thinking this, because you're setting yourself up to fail and feel disappointed. Every body is different and loses weight at a different pace. It VERY much depends on your starting weight and your metabolism, and how much water you take in, how mobile you are.. there are a lot of different factors to consider. Please please don't obsess with the weighing and comparison with others. Know that the weight WILL come off and focus on the bigger picture. It is very normal to have very different weight losses each week. I have weeks where I don't lose and some weeks I lose 6-7 lbs. There is no rhyme or reason.
Initially there is internal swelling and a lot of people stall very early on. A stall (to me) is when you don't lose any weight for a number of weeks. I lost nothing in weeks 3-5.

Oh and I agree with what was said about weighing no more than once a week. I'm now weighing once every two weeks and it's plenty.
You're all doing great - be proud :)
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I lost a stone in my first month post-op. I can laugh now, but I was gutted at the time. I think I had developed a fantasy scenario where I lost at least 4 stones a week!

Anyway, the rate of weight loss has varied quite a lot over this last year, but the outcome in terms of total weight lost, improvements to health and appearence have been nothing short of unbelievable, in my eyes.

You are doing so well! Don't panic and try to focus on the long haul and big picture. None of us got to where we started overnight ;)

I record my weight monthly. This is how it has gone since I started this malarky:

01 Jan 2009 325 lbs (start weight) (23 stones 3lbs)

01 July 2009: 300 lbs (pre-op) (- 25lbs)
01 Aug 2009: 294 lbs (pre-op) (- 6lbs)
01 Sept 2009: 290 lbs (pre-op) (- 4lbs)
01 Oct 2009: 284 lbs (pre-op) (- 6lbs)
01 Nov 2009: 279 lbs (pre-op) (- 5lbs)

01 Jan 2010: 283 lbs (pre-op) (- 4lbs) (20 stones 3lbs)
01 Feb 2010: 275 lbs (pre-op) (- 8lbs)
01 March 2010: 271 lbs (pre-op) (- 4lbs)
01 April 2010: 260 lbs (2 days post op) (- 11lbs)
01 May 2010: 246 lbs (-14lbs)
01 June 2010: 236 lbs (-10lbs)
01 July 2010: 221lbs (-15lbs)
08 August 2010: 208lbs (- 13lbs)
01 September 2010: 200lbs (- 8lbs)
01 October 2010: 190lbs (- 10lbs)
01 November 2010: 184lbs (- 6 lbs)
01 December 2010: 178lbs (-6lbs)

01 January 2011: 175lbs (-3lbs) (12 stones 7lbs)
01 February 2011: 161lbs (-14)
01 March 201: 157lbs (-4) (11 stones 3 lbs)
01 April 2011: 153lbs (-4) (10 stones 13lbs)