I have had a 99.999999999% positive experience. I had an easy surgery and an easy recovery, never had food problems and had little pain overall. I love my bypass with all my heart but in an effort to fully disclose here are my top 'worst' but remember they are so small as to be almost invisible to the naked eye!
1. Foul & unpredicatble wind, yes I fart and it is smelly and I really don't know when it will happen so watch out! Certain foods are predicatble triggers like beans & raw veg but other times I really don't know what causes it.
2. Post-op fatigue, mine lasted about 4 weeks, I needed lots of naps but really was more due to my inactive lifestyle not the bypass.
3. Feeling dizzy when rising, it has mostly passed now that I am near goal but sometimes the dizziness threatens my ability to be upright!
4. Loose skin, it is a fact and I have lots. However the longer I have had to come to terms with it plus the blessing of magic knickers, I feel like I am getting used to it.
5. Abundant compliments, I am not being funny here, it just really feels weird when strangers compliment me on my weight loss, my figure & my looks - I was pretty sure I loved me and thought well of myself but the compliments are tougher to take than I thought.
That is it really and I have to say that I really had to think on it to come up with those small things.