lisa x
is very happy!

For any of those who have been following my progress over the last few weeks,I thought I would update you.:wave_cry:
Last week I found out that the PCT had no idea about me or my application.
On Monday i had a long chat to my G.Ps practice manager and handed her a strong letter asking why I had been treated so bad,why I got no help and support from them.:deadhorse:
Also why I was left to chase my tail for days around the pct only find out I would still be waiting if I had not of chased this up.:rant2:
My practice manager rang me this morning....with the good news.....
(provided i have quit smoking 6 weeks prior to operation)
I am on patches at the moment and doing quite well.
So now I am waiting to hear from the Luton and Dunstable hospital.
The ball is finally has taken me 4 years to get to this point...
I must admit I have been doing a little jig in the garden...My kids think I have lost the

Thanks for all your support guys...
x x x
For any of those who have been following my progress over the last few weeks,I thought I would update you.:wave_cry:
Last week I found out that the PCT had no idea about me or my application.
On Monday i had a long chat to my G.Ps practice manager and handed her a strong letter asking why I had been treated so bad,why I got no help and support from them.:deadhorse:
Also why I was left to chase my tail for days around the pct only find out I would still be waiting if I had not of chased this up.:rant2:
My practice manager rang me this morning....with the good news.....
(provided i have quit smoking 6 weeks prior to operation)
I am on patches at the moment and doing quite well.
So now I am waiting to hear from the Luton and Dunstable hospital.
The ball is finally has taken me 4 years to get to this point...

I must admit I have been doing a little jig in the garden...My kids think I have lost the

Thanks for all your support guys...
x x x