Bling Babe
Well-Known Member
Definitely try to increase that xI’m drinking around 2 litres x
Definitely try to increase that xI’m drinking around 2 litres x
Good luck, how are you doing? xHi,
Thank you, I rang them today and spoke to the dietician and they have sent it me via email. I had rung the other day but they weren’t very helpful and just told me to start it 10 days before.
I’m so excited 11 more sleeps xx
Spices and herbs are fine, I asked when I did my milk diet, they said yes xI knowI’m just reading everyone’s, the only thing I’m having is spices, which it doesn’t state I can have I mean how can you eat flavourless food??? Xxx
How many pints of milk are you having? Are you taking your multi vitamins?Lucky you!! I feel bloody rough just got out of the bath and literally feel like I’m going to past out... x
Good luck, how are you doing? x
How are you getting on both of you on the LRD xx
Hi sorry I have only just seen this message. I am fine day 3 days into the LRD diet. So far so good xx
I'm doing fine, day 5 today. Came on my period yesterday and usually gain over my period so we'll see how the sales treat me on Weds morning weigh in.
I've not been suffering with headaches or anything despite being on 800-900kcal. I've been drinking lots so think that's helped. Which LRD are you doing?
Can you try adding an oxo to your milk? Loads of people doing milk lrd do.I have been following the:
2 pints of milk
4 yoghurts
And as much sugar free jelly as I like.
I’m not hungry but I just want something savoury xx
Can you try adding an oxo to your milk? Loads of people doing milk lrd do.
On the milk only LRD it's a requirement to have an oxo so can't see it hurting xI had a chicken oxo cube yesterday just to get that bit of salt. Probably not supposed to but I can’t see what damage one would do. Hopefully anyway xx
On the milk only LRD it's a requirement to have an oxo so can't see it hurting x
Why not try a chicken OXO in hot milk, sounds odd but seriously it’s delicious...only 2 pints of milk, I’ve never heard of a LRD with such a low amount of milk, is it semi skimmed? XxI have been following the:
2 pints of milk
4 yoghurts
And as much sugar free jelly as I like.
I’m not hungry but I just want something savoury xx
Why not try a chicken OXO in hot milk, sounds odd but seriously it’s delicious...only 2 pints of milk, I’ve never heard of a LRD with such a low amount of milk, is it semi skimmed? Xx
I think you should speak to your team before swapping to skimmed milk xIt could be 3 pints of milk and 2 yoghurts or 2 pints and 4 yoghurts and I wanted more yoghurts. Yes it’s semi skimmed you could have either. But the longer I do this the creamier the milk tastes. Weird as I am thinking of going to skimmed and I don’t like that on it’s own.
Hi sarnie! Yes I’m taking my multi vits I’ve took a turnHow many pints of milk are you having? Are you taking your multi vitamins?
So I’m on day 9. Feel fine thank god no hungry pangs, haven’t had them, back at work until my op, I feel 100% better, got weighed yesterday lost 4lb so I’ll take that, my husbands been following the diet to show his support and lost 16lb the janmmy swine!!! How you feeling @Parsnip and @ShelleyOwls221112 ? Xxx
100 posts! Wow that’s crazy doesn’t feel like 100! Well it’s not long now @Parsnip and we will be on the losers bench! XI'm doing really well, day 7 on LRD. I'll weigh myself tomorrow and update after a weeks loss. You're close to 100 posts so you'll be able to have a nosey through my diary in the bronze section soon if you wish (as well as others that moved their diary to somewhere more private)