Boy am I hopping mad, my Boss found newspaper item that he thought would be of interest to me........ It was about a lady that had managed to loose weight on the Cambridge Diet. I didn't know whether to kill him on the spot or thank him!!!!The humiliation.
Im sure you can find a penis enlargement advert in a mag and just show him![]()
Thanks for that, it has cheered me up no end and defused the temper!Im sure you can find a penis enlargement advert in a mag and just show him
:devilangel: :479:
Im sure you can find a penis enlargement advert in a mag and just show him
:devilangel: :479:
Im sure you can find a penis enlargement advert in a mag and just show him
arty0011: Our very own comedy genius!
That will make me chuckle all day!
My Mum used to send me 'helpful' articles about people who'd 'cut out margerine' and 'lost 100s of lbs' - it was from concern, she is my Mum and has now been successfully re-educated - BUT if my BOSS ever so much as mentioned it, I'd be furious! What a jerk!
:hug99: Take care :hug99:
You should have asked him straight out 'why does he think you need to lose weight' - and seen the look on his face, then asked ' do you have the phone number for personel' and watched him poo himself !![]()
Im sure you can find a penis enlargement advert in a mag and just show him:devilangel: :479: