New Member
No, I'm under Sandwell x
Yeap Sam thats why I rang up, because as long as I did'nt agree to the open gb or wanted to appeal to get funded for the laproscopic gb, this was delaying me being put on the list.
No, I'm under Sandwell x
I wonder if the procedure is different for Sandwell then, some PCT's will automatically pay for the op as long as you meet their criteria so you can go on the waiting list then straight away instead of the hospital having to write to your PCT for confirmation if that makes sense.
You could always ring up chick if you are not sure. WOudl you like me to PM Tracey Lowe's number to you?
Natalie2009 said that she had spoke to someone at the pct who said you could pay the difference yourself, to have keyhole instead of open, but when I asked Dr. Hartland about it he said it wasn't possible. He said the 'open' scar would be about the length of a pencil and in a few months it would just be a faint silver line. x
I'm afraid dr hartland doesn't always get things right as he told me at that first meeting my pre op would be with in 4 weeks from that day and that i would be put straight on the waiting list and my op would be about march april time.
In fact they apply for funding first and then once they have approval they then put you on the waiting list mine stated that yhe op would be within 20 weeks of being put on the list. About a week or 2 afterthis you then get your pre op appt which is about 6 weeks from the date of this letter. When they phoned me to bring forward my 2nd pre op forward the woman said my op would be done by the end of april at the latest.
Hope this helps. I know its different to what dr hartland said but thats my experience.