Hiya everyone,
well Ive lost 1 stone 1lb since i had my band fitted last tuesday night. I carn't believe it infact i weighed everyone in my house to make sure the scales hadn't gone on a wobbler. Been having soups and slim fast i also yesterday for my breakfast a jar of baby food creamed porridge lol. Had some ready break really milky this morning for breakfast with some cranberry juice.
Im still a bit sore but more like ive done loads of sit ups pain. (not that i can remember what sit ups are like )
Im doing fine now im back at work.

well Ive lost 1 stone 1lb since i had my band fitted last tuesday night. I carn't believe it infact i weighed everyone in my house to make sure the scales hadn't gone on a wobbler. Been having soups and slim fast i also yesterday for my breakfast a jar of baby food creamed porridge lol. Had some ready break really milky this morning for breakfast with some cranberry juice.
Im still a bit sore but more like ive done loads of sit ups pain. (not that i can remember what sit ups are like )
Im doing fine now im back at work.