Well-Known Member
10806 yesterday girls x x
10806 yesterday girls x x
Well done keep it up, unfortunately since I fell down the stairs my walking has been curtailed slightly.Ha ha I just got a badge lol. I have done 5000 steps....motivating me to go out and do another 5000. I've never been the type of gal to get badges and stuff. Whoowoo
Well done keep it up, unfortunately since I fell down the stairs my walking has been curtailed slightly.
Woooohooo KirstyHa ha I just got a badge lol. I have done 5000 steps....motivating me to go out and do another 5000. I've never been the type of gal to get badges and stuff. Whoowoo
Hugs wilb hunni hope your ok sweets x x xWell done keep it up, unfortunately since I fell down the stairs my walking has been curtailed slightly.
Ahhh every step counts, and somehow think shopping steps are so much more satisfying lol wd on sorting out mfp too x x x10884 for me today. Love this fitbit. I only ever took my phone out when I was walking and never counted the round the shops or around the house stuff - happy bunny. Plus I was able to sync to my fitness pal
Wow thats impressive wdHad to try hard today cause tomorrow I am back at work and chained to my desk 8 till 6
So today I done 13,765
Back out boot hunting hunni LOL shopping trips on order x xWell done ladies!!!
Last 2 days I've only hit 800 steps but back to work tomorrow so I'm hoping to increase that big time!!! Xx
Just set off for my hols so take care everyone and enjoy your steps back in 2wksx x