Well-Known Member
Doing well girlies
Glad you spoke to specialist cupid, hope all comes right in the end X soz to hear of your daughters ordeal how brave was she !!! hope you get your new app sorted soon, dam insurance company!!!
so last night i went to bed before logging but i reached 10098 eventually lol it was tough going tho lol today not been so good, ive been pottering about the house doing housework (its been a tad neglected lately) so far my log is 3884 ooops will get off my butt and do a few before bedtime, puppy needs a walk........... thats about 1500 round block ...........
its been a tough few weeks, my mate who split with his girlfriend has been down pretty much every night for his tea and for the company (been in agony aunt mode lol)............ am struggling with the mindful eating, despite asking him to not distract me too much lol and of course the steps are lacking slightly too !!! uggh I MUST DO BETTER TOMORROW !!!!
Glad you spoke to specialist cupid, hope all comes right in the end X soz to hear of your daughters ordeal how brave was she !!! hope you get your new app sorted soon, dam insurance company!!!
so last night i went to bed before logging but i reached 10098 eventually lol it was tough going tho lol today not been so good, ive been pottering about the house doing housework (its been a tad neglected lately) so far my log is 3884 ooops will get off my butt and do a few before bedtime, puppy needs a walk........... thats about 1500 round block ...........
its been a tough few weeks, my mate who split with his girlfriend has been down pretty much every night for his tea and for the company (been in agony aunt mode lol)............ am struggling with the mindful eating, despite asking him to not distract me too much lol and of course the steps are lacking slightly too !!! uggh I MUST DO BETTER TOMORROW !!!!