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Can't wait for next appt
I am struggling big time at the moment. I go to the hospital on Tuesday for my weigh in and I still need to loose 1.3kg. I am desperate now that I won't be refered to the surgeon. It is all I can think about, I can't sleep for thinking about it. I feel so unhappy, all I want is this surgery and if I can't loose this 1.3kg then I think they will remove me from their lists. My husband is being great he must be fed up of hearing me go on about it but he isn't showing it he is so supportive and keeps telling me I can do it. All I feel like doing is crying. So hard when all I want is some food. I know it will be worth it in the end and I do so want this surgery but just a bit all over the place at the moment. If I was at work I think it would be a distraction for me but we are on Easter hols. Thanks for reading just needed to get it off my chest.
((((( big hugs )))) 2 u Sharon hun, girl i know ur struggling but u can do this, u have come so far and fought so many battles and all with a gorgeous smile on ur face the whole way through, u can do this last little bit, i know u can i have so much faith in u.
Are u worried u cant lose the 1.3kg by Tuesday or are u just plain struggling with the milk diet.
Maybe up ur water the next few days and take a few more walks and that might just help drop the last kg and if it was me i would look in my wardrobe and find the lightest clothes to weigh myself in at the hospital so maybe a vest top and leggings or the lightest skirt u have, does not matter what u wear on top but make sure ur weighing on the scales with the lightest clothes u have.

Hun just 5 more days and then u will be on the list, u can do this girl. I will buzz ya later on and we can have a natter, or if u want to chat now i am very awake lol and have been since 4 so buzz me xxx
Take care and be strong girl i know ur going to be soooo successful, chat soon xxxx
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Hi Sharron, I replied to this over on your diary. Stay strong because you can do this.

Cuppa xx
Thanks Roch and Hayley.

In answer to your question Roch I am worried I won't be able to loose the weight by then. I have got over my wobble of the other day about wanting to eat but just worried about not hitting the target. I will ring you later if thats ok. Got a few things to do, need to go shopping later for the boys some food and me some milk and my sister is supposed to be coming round. My youngest is going to my other sisters for the day and the eldest is supposed to be going round his friends. It could well be this evening when I ring but I promise I will. Take care.
Thanks Roch and Hayley.

In answer to your question Roch I am worried I won't be able to loose the weight by then. I have got over my wobble of the other day about wanting to eat but just worried about not hitting the target. I will ring you later if thats ok. Got a few things to do, need to go shopping later for the boys some food and me some milk and my sister is supposed to be coming round. My youngest is going to my other sisters for the day and the eldest is supposed to be going round his friends. It could well be this evening when I ring but I promise I will. Take care.

Hun am always around lol, will pm u my land line instead of ringing on the mob, and call when ever u want.
Chat later xxx
Hiya hun - up your fluids for these last few days - more water/milk depending on how you feel. Take small walks and vigorous exercise such as vacuuming and cleaning around the house rather than a bloody tredmill! Not only will it help loose a tiny bit of weight - it will lift your mood and keep you busy! Dont worry and up your fluids!

I hope that helps - sending you a huge hug x
Thanks Salski. I will definately do that, me and hubby have started to go for short walks since Sunday. I am really pleased with how far I have gone as usually I use a stick and am trying without it. Its not far for anyone else but for me I am pleased. I going to try and stay busy these last few days and like you say increase the fluids. Thanks for your support.
Definitely up your water intake and try to do a bit more walking and moving around. I know that the scales at the hospital were always a bit more favourable than my own scales - sometimes by as much as 1kg.

We'll all be keeping our fingers crossed for you sweetie xx
You've already had the best advice, wearing your lightest clothes is a great tip. Don't panic you've still got a few days I'm sure you'll do it.
Sandra x
It sounds like you are going to be keeping yourself busy, that's the best advice I think. Are you able to have any diet fizzy pop? That helps to fill you up and might help. Good luck for you appointment, I'm sure that even if you are a tadge over their target they won't just drop you. xx
im sure as long as you prove u have lost something and can lose something is more what the hospitals are looking for. they just give us targets to motivate us and worry us lol.
i had lost 2kg on initail meet with the surgeon but by timre pre op came in the "cruel month" of january i had put it back on again but they just gave me a stern talking to and told me to make sure it was gone by the time i went for surgery or i risked it been canceled.
so try not to stress to much as stress is not our friend and can be nasty to our bodies. gd luck xx
Thanks everyone for you advice I am going to take it all on board. Yes John I am allowed diet fizzy had 1 lt of no added sugar lemon and lime fizzy water today already. I have been contantly in the toilet (tmi).
sharron i know how you feel . im finding this losing 5% of my weight is getting hard . i have to lose 7 kgs by the 5 may . i keep trying to stick to the milk diet but come tea time im having to eat something so im having a low fat weight watchers meal instead of the milk , as it has less calories, less carbs and less fat than the milk, but i have really got to try and drink more , i find drinking really hard as im used to only have about 2 cups of drinks aday so trying to get 1 litre of fluid plus all the milk in me is really hard. i doubt im going to lose the weight by the time i need to, if this was the pre op diet for a couple of weeks before the op then i know i could stick to it, as i know we need our liver to shrink . but do the bloody milk diet for 4 weeks to lose 5% is a joke. if i was able to stick to a damn strick diet i wouldnt be needing the op in the first place ..lol.. but you have been so good im sure you will of lost what you need to hun xxxx
Thanks Tracey. I know how you feel about the drinking I have never been a big drinker. Please increase your fluids though because you don't want the same thing to happen to you as happened to me. They are very strict and won't put you through unless you have lost what they say. I increased my fluids yesterday and had 2 pints of milk 1 oxo 1 ten cal soup 2 cups of coffee 1 lt of lemon and lime sugar free fizzy water and 2 cans of diet coke. This morning I got on the scales and was 151.6 compaired to yesterday which was 153.6. I am going to continue to do this until Tuesday and hope to get to 150kg they want me to be 152kg so hopefully they will have no excuses then not to put me through. Good luck you can do this.
Well done Sharron, that's a lot of fluids you getting in there girl! :D How are you feeling today?

Cuppa xx
Thanks Hayley I feel much more positive. I had a great long chat with Roch last night too and got things in perspective too.
Excellent! :D:D:D
Cuppa xx
I can really empathise with how you're feeling here and I just want to give you a metaphorical cuddle!

It sounds like you are doing as you have been advised by your team and I'm sure you will lose the requisite amount of weight. However as long as you follow the guidance even if you don't lose the exact amount I am sure they would not penalise you. I have felt the same as you recently, you daren't allow yourself to think think that it will happen and obviously you don't want to get high hopes dashed but I think for me, the uncertainty of whether things would go ahead made me so stressed. I doubted everything about myself just in case they didn't agree to operate.

I have babbled a lot here but I think what I am trying to say is, try and keep positive and hopefully that will put the chance of them extending your date in perspective.

Good luck