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any body from west yorkshire?


yorkie puddin!
Hi all just wondered if any one was pre or post op and were in the west yorkshire area iv been to see dr ainsley at calderdale any one heard of him? thanks:D
hi rybens, I am in calderdale, dont know the dr you have seen but today I had my initial appointment with my surgeon at elland spire hospital? I don't have a date for surgery and have to get some tests done first to check I am suitable for it.....what stage are you at in your application? xx
Hi, I'm West Yorks too. Calderdale PCT, they sent me to see Mr. Dobbins at Elland Spire. Sorry I havent heard of Dr Ainsley.
Hi Porpo, I have just been and had my initial appointment with Mr. Dobbins, how far into the process are you? X
Hi, saw him in April, since then had all kinds of blood tests done, seen the dietician, had a gastroscopy (?) and a sleep apnea test. They say 18 weeks at Calderdale. How was the consultation? xx
It was ok, just really explained the procedures they do and then said about all these tests, bloods, sleep apnea, diatician ect ect. Do you know what's involved with each test? the sleep one? xx
Yeah, if you want any advice just ask. I'm a couple of months further on the same path by the sounds of it. My first thing was the blood tests and a glucose tolerence test. That was half a day as they give you a glucose drink and then take blood and urine over a few hours. For the sleep one I had to go to Halifax and they gave me a thing that tests the oxtgen levels over night and you take it back to them the next day. There's nothing too bad and the people at Spire are really nice. xx
Hay all,

I was the first one to be refered to Ellend Spire for WLS! Mr Dobbins is having a meeting today to decide on my case. I should be the first one there to be operated on!

There are two surgeons at Calderdale who do bariatric surgery: Mr Dobbins and Mr Ainsle. Mr Dobbins also does surgery at Elland Spire.

Tazwoz, I thought you decided to go to Leeds???

I am really happy to find out that I am not the only one there! Have either of you been to the WLS meeting that is mandatory? I rang his secretery up the other day and she said they are still trying to rearrange it for a different venue.

Hiya, Im in Leeds and recently had my bypass at Jimmy's x
pandora, really long story about why i decided to go to elland but at least things are moving now.....will tell you about it one day when i can be bothered! ha! I have been looking for posts from you to get an update as to where you were up to but not seen any and didn't know how to send you a message! sounds like things are moving forward now anyway....good luck and keep in touch....when are these meetings we have to go to? x
I am in the process of the long wait which is why there is little news on 'my story'! I have had all my tests done and had my second meeting with Mr Dobbins and I have been waiting 6 weeks for him to have his interdisciplinary meeting about me. He should have made his decision by now (the meeting was Friday) and hopefully I will have my op date in the very near future! I am still nervous as this will be the first operation of this type at Elland, however, all the staff are experienced and will have done hundreds before at Huddersfield Hospital. I am just really happy that I am not the only one there anymore!

Alongside all the tests you need to have done (Bloods, Glucose Tolerance, Sleep Test, Dietician, Psychologist, Endoscopy) you need to have attended a group meeting which takes place every 3 months or so. For you to be 'eligible' to have the surgery it is mandatory for you to attend one, however, it is up to you whether you attend more. I personally will be attending all the ones I can. However, Mr Dobbins will not see you again till you have been to one session.

The last one was 22nd April, so there should be one relatively soon. The delay at the moment is due to them trying to change the venue. My details are with the woman who runs it and so I will let you know as soon I have the date.

Although the hospital and the staff are great at Elland, I would not rely on his Secretary to keep you up-to-date with whats going on! They lost my file on more than one occasion! However, I think this was more due to the fact that I was the only patient at Elland and everyone else was at Huddersfield and so my file was kept separate.

If you have any questions about the process at Elland or any of the tests you have done there then feel free to contact me! You cannot send me an IM until you have written 50 posts. But if you post something I will most likely read it as I am on this site pretty regularly!

wow you ask a question one day then return to loads of answers its great lol just realised i spelt the drs name wrong and it was dr ainsle i saw , iv had all the tests done previously due to not absorbing iron and b12 so i only had to go for glucose test , i had results of a blood test that said i had helicobactor which has now been treated so iv no other tests to go for. Iv been in touch about the self help group but also been told this is on hold at the moment , not had a Dietician appointment yet i dont really know how far im into the process but was told they have to tell you within 18 weeks if your able to have the sugery which would be sept when i get the answer . How long has the process been so far with some of you guys ? x
Rybens not in your area but wanted to say welcome to minis and good luck with your journey

Jay xx
Thank you been coming on and off here with different failed diets hopefully this one if it happens wont fail !:party0049:
I wish!!! Nope no date yet! I did get in touch with his secretery and she said it was the other job share woman who sat in on the meeting and that letters would be sent out and should reach me by the end of the week.

What she didn't say, however, was that if the letter would just be an outcome of the meeting. Which could just say if they are going to go ahead or not. Or if it will have my operation date on it.

ARGH! It is agony waiting. Especially as my post NEVER reaches me! I live in the middle of a field (no joking! - its Northowram) and I can get post literally weeks after it was sent! I am going to bug them today and just ask if the letters have been sent out or not. At least then I can try and corner the post man and warn him that if I don't get it I will set my terriers on him! They might try and lick him to death but he doesn't know that does he!

Hows your tests going? I would love to know how your getting on at Ellend!

Oh and I asked Monday and still no news on the group meeting!

Just wanted to drop in and say hi and good luck. Its nice when theres a group of ppl going through the same process near each other.

Im in queensbury but from halifax so unfortunately for me I come under Bradford for WLS yet I can chose to go to Halifax or Bradford for surgery on my hand (carpel tunnel problems) go figure.
then on the plus side it doesnt look like Im going to Bradford, they referred me to the Spire in Leeds...yeuch I hate leeds lol but for this I will walk there :D

BTW when ye go on a night out together dont forget this Fax lass on the hill up there :p
Hey Elffie01!

I have done the opposite to you! I now live in Northowram but I grew up in Bradford (Wibsey).

It looks like we should be having our operation at the same time so if you need anything then just let me know. I haven't been given a date yet but it should be between now and October. It still feels like it will never happen but despite this each day I get more and more excited!

You should come to our support meeting which is held in Halifax! It is mainly for people who are under Huddersfield/Calderdale and Elland Spire care but I know they are always trying to get more and more people to come! You would be more than welcome! I will post the date and time whenever they finally get it sorted.

Keep in touch as its always great to hear about people who live locally. It makes it seam so much more real in a way...

Yeah a support grp could be awesome.

Im on another buzz today as I rang to check aout funding and its already been given so if the consultant says Yea then Im off for the op lol. The Spire has until the 19th Oct to have done the op so not that long.

im just counting down to the appointment day.... miiiiiles away atm
I'm not supprised your buzzing!

My surgeon said it would be 18 weeks from his team meeting which decides on who gets the surgery and who doesn't. That was last Friday. I can't wait to get my date!

20 days will be over in no time! Then again when its you waiting for it it does seam forever away, and nothing anyone says helps!

Let me know how it all works out for you!
