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any body from west yorkshire?


I'm in Leeds waiting for revision of old WLS 12 years old and failing under Mr Dexter at Jimmy's. Hope to get date Oct/Nov - can't come soon enough.


I'm in Leeds waiting for revision of old WLS 12 years old and failing under Mr Dexter at Jimmy's. Hope to get date Oct/Nov - can't come soon enough.


hi Lyn - mine was a revision of an old wls that had gone wrong over 10 years ago and mine was done at Jimmy's but it was Mr Pollard that did mine.
as you know by now, i'm also in Leeds, having my surgery next week at the Spire with Mr Pollard
Hay all!

I have only just managed to read all the replies about other people in our local area. It seams quite a few of you are from Leeds! Hello to all!!!

Sorry Tazwoz, I have not been around much lately. I have recently been in hospital as I had a detached retina! I almost lost the sight in my right eye. It has taken a while for me to be able to get my sight back to 'normal'! I couldn't focus properly for a while which made looking at the computer screen impossible! Unfortunately, my left eye is now detaching as well and so will need another surgery soon to repair that. I was in Leeds Spire for the surgery, and for all those who are sent there for your Bariatric surgery I have to say it is a fabulous place! Although I have to say, the night nurse was very short with me! I had just had my eye cut open and both of them poked around with and she didn't understand why I couldn't see... you would have thought the HUGE eye patch would have given it away wouldn't you. But other than that I couldn't fault the place!

I also think I have been avoiding this site a little bit as I am ridiculously disappointed with what has been happening with my case! I have been told by Mr Dobbins secretary that I wasn't waiting for my letter to be sent out, but that he hadn't even looked at my case in the last meeting! She said that he had only managed to get through half of the cases and I was in the pile that wasn’t looked at. Now it turns out that I will be being discussed in the next meeting on September 4th. Hopefully that is!!! I have been waiting for this decision since MAY!!! So much for it being a "rubber-stamp" situation that Mr Dobbins claimed it was 4 months ago! I cannot really fault the secretary though. She was really nice and to be fair was really happy that I wasn't like some of the calls she was getting that were very abusive. She even said that because of all the hassle I was being put through and how I wasn't shouting at her she would ring me with the results the following week, even though she won't be Mr Dobbins Secretary anymore! She will be the new surgeons secretary! I can't stand this waiting. It really does seam that everyone is having it done before me. Its probebly an overreaction on my part, but I am just annoyed and disillusioned with our PCT process!

Unofficial Calderdale/Huddersfield news!

There is now 3 surgeons who are on the Bariatric team. The new Doctor will be joining them in the next two weeks. Hopefully this will mean that the case loads will be lightened and waiting times reduced. Although I doubt it will help those of us already referred. I was told his name but I forgot... Sorry! I'm sure it began with a 'B' but I wouldn’t quote me on that!

I hope everyone else is having a better time of it than me!

Please let me know how your all getting on! I need some good news!

if you guys ever get that support grp off the ground Ill happily come. Im just thankful I wasnt referred to Halifax after all, seems taking no notice of me worked this time lol

Good luck Calderdale lot, fingers crossed they get thier act together very soon:D
OMG Elfie!!! You had your operation! I can't believe I was SOOOOOO much out of the loop! I hope all went well with your op!!! That has cheered me up no end! I'm glad that other people are getting on well, it makes me feel that there will be light at the end of the tunnel! How are you getting on with the post-bypass?

Oh and no news of the meeting yet! I will let you know though as soon as I find out!

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hehe yeah cant believe its over a week ago too ! Bit sore obviously :rolleyes: stupid me lol but Im getting there, sick of looking at my house though and want to get stuff done and cant:(

Catching up on here is bedlam lol

Im keeping my eye out for the meets, Ill def be there :D

I was going to give the surgeons secretery until Friday to get in touch regarding what was happening with my case. I say WAS because it turns out I'm patient, but not that patient!!! I lasted till Thursday dinnertime! I rang them about an hour ago and FINALLY.......

They dicussed my case!!!

This means that I will be having my operation within 18 or so weeks!

The process from here is:

- They will send a letter to my GP.
- Wait for the GP to recieve the letter.
- Wait for GP to send a re-referal back to the surgeons.
- Get another appointment with Mr Dobbins.
- In the appointment confirm the operation choice and check to see that I haven't gained more than 7lbs.
- Get the operation date!!!

Still got a way to go, but at least I am not waiting pointlessly!!!

How is everyone else getting on with their journey???


I only posted earlier on today! And I just can't believe it! I got a phone call from Elland Appointments today (at 8:30 at night of all times)!!! My appointment with Mr Dobbins for a week tomorrow! Next Friday!!! OMG!!!

I couldn't believe it! Just goes to show that things can happen when you least expect it!

OMG I'm hopping around the room!!!

I can't believe it!

I will try and post when I have calmed down and maybe make a bit more sense!!!

just wanted to wish you luck for tomorrow pandora, i am so excited for you, keep us informed won't ya! all the best xx