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any body from west yorkshire?

Will do fingers crossed we get it around the same time, shame we arent both in the same hospital we could moan n groan together lol
Hey Pandora, I think as I was initially reffered to elland so long ago they have taken that into account with the 18weeks? Not sure but the date I originally got was the 6th august to be addmited! Was confused since i not had any tests as yet and also I was under the impression that it would be a wait away, so I was gobsmacked when i got the letter and the 6th august is not a good date for me as I have to finish my work placement for uni or I will not be able to go into my second year of studies, so I phoned them and they have postponed my date and it's on the 3rd Sept now which means I will have finished my work placement by ten so it's all worked out in the end! Let me know how you get on with this meeting and I will see you there will be nice to meet you! Take Care x
Elffie, I was originally going to Spire hospital in leeds but am now going to elland - long story....but when i was going to leeds they said that surgery could be as soon as 2 weeks after the initial appointment with the consultant....so maybe not that long to wait! Good luck! x
Ahh thx for that Tazwoz. To be honest I wish I was going to the Spire in Elland as its miles closer and Im not a fan of Leeds (sorry Leeds people). If I have to go again for more tests/appts it will be a right royal pain. But I dont want to ask for a transfer incase it delays everything, and tbh I dont think they will as I was referred my Bfd PCT and they arent the best from what I can gather. Im starting to look at things to take with me and get the house in order lol and I havent even bee for my first appointment, he can still say no.
Ive just found out though from the beginning of this process that I am a total worry wart !:argh:
Tazwoz, I was admitted within weeks at Elland as they class you as an inpatient for the endoscopy exam they do. Did you check what the date of admittance for??? I got an official admittance letter which stated my date and asked for things like medication during the stay. I was only in for about 6 hours but they class you as an inpatient to they have to send you all the regular infomation.

For the endoscope you will be admitted in the morning and about dinner time you will be walked up to theatre and either sedated or given throat numbing spray whilst they stick a hose pipe looking thing down your neck!

Have you gotten any other appointments with Elland at all?

I am really hoping to have the operation before the end of September as that is when I go back to Uni to complete my Masters. ((Yey - I got a First in my Psychology and Crime BSc!)) I know that this may be wishful thinking on my part but if it is any later I know that it will mess up my first semester! Then again I can still study whilst in hospital, work will give me the time off and so I should actually have more time to spend on Uni work than I would have done before!

Still no info on the outcome of the meeting! I will be ringing them again tomorrow to see if the letter has been sent out yet. I will ask (AGAIN) about the group meeting!

Elffie01, I'm pretty sure (from my experiance) that it is usual for you to worry throughout the entire process. If you didn't then I would have questioned if you really knew how big of an operation this is. Nothing will stop you from worrying - just know that it is a natural and normal part of the process. I am still sat here worrying and I am about to get my operation date!

Transfering would probebly delay your operation as Mr Dobbins would require you to go through all his test and appointments and then have a meeting to discuss your case. However, if you are truly unhappy at Leeds then maybe it would be worth waiting a few extra months to get the surgeon/hospital that you are happy with. I had a fight on my hands to get referred to Elland as I was origionally at Huddersfield. However, I was not happy with their re-arrangement of appointments and being put to the wrong departments that I asked to be moved to Elland. This was literally days after the contract with Elland was signed and I became their first patient. For me it was worth the hassle and delay as I am now very happy with the hospital and staff that are going to do my surgery. However, my decision was based on my circumstances and yours maybe different.

To be honest I dont like Leeds but what the hell I wont have to keep going every week or so will i ? Im assuming the more frequent appointment checkup etc are done at my GP's.
Got my mum driving me there and I just checked the route and its not looking too bad.
I just dont want anything to delay it as Ive waited since Nov last year, probably not that long to some ppl but it is to me lol.

Its a nice hospital and its private what more could I ask for? Im so ungrateful sometimes lol. Leeds it is and Leeds it shall stay. I might like the place better after as it will be the place the new me was born !:D
I'm glad your happy with Leeds then! I can completely understand what your saying about not wanting to wait any longer for the op than you already are doing. I have been waiting since the beginning of January so I can empathise.

Leeds isn't too far away from our area. About 20-30 minutes if your not counting rush hour traffic. Quickest way would be down onto M62. Another way is across into Bradford town centre and out over the Staningly Bypass.

I would assume that you would only need to go there for your all your pre-op appointments, your op, and any other post-op checkups. All the long term stuff would be done at your local GP's office or local hospital.

oh man! i am such a div! I assumed that being admitted meant the op! Not good since my parents live in spain and have booked flights now to come and look after me.......and that means i have postponed the endothingy for weeks when there was no need to.....i would have thought from chatting to her she might have realised what i was on about, crossed wires it seems!!!! they don't make it clear on the letter then do they what a palava! I did think it was a bit quick! nightmare...
Oh god Tazwoz! I was hoping you would get my reply quite quickly! I would ring them up in the morning to double check! However, I really do think your booked in for the endoscope!

I don't understand how they could not have made it clear to you earlier. I swear some of their admin can be next to useless! Especially if you rang them and spoke to them about it! I only knew to expect the inpatient letter as I was at the hospital a few days earlier and the nurse who was taking bloods mentioned that I was booked in for it and to expect the letter any day!

Try and see if they can fit the endoscope in any earlier. They might still have a few slots available - if not I doubt it will make much of a difference as you will still be waiting for other appointments!

If you need any help or anything during the tests or operation I would be more than willing to help you out! I can understand how hard it must be with your parents in Spain and going through this on your own.

What other tests have you gotten appointments for?

Can you guess what I am going to say next???.... no news on my date and (yep you guessed it) no news on group meeting!

Let me know how it goes!!!

thanks for your support pandora! I have GTT test and bloods on thursday when I might mention the mix up and see if they can slot me in nearer the time, I rang this morning and it is defo the tube thing that they are doing! I will have a chat and see what they say, to be honest it's better that i am waiting as it would only be more hours out of placement and no time to make it up before my 2nd year, whhich would mean not progressing to my 2nd year and I really dont want that. Mum say's she can change the flights if needs be but might come back anyway. The thing is she is waiting for an operation in spain which she thinks may be october then she will have to wait 6 weeks before she can even think about coming back but we will see what will happen, I have a lot of supportive friends and family if she can't make it to be with me, but i really wanted my mum to be here! So I still have to do the sleep apnea test thing too, no appointment as yet and I think he said to see the dietician again am waiting for appointment....is there anything else? hope you get your date soon. I can't believe it was January when i first contacted my GP regarding this! arrggghh! xx
I am really happy you have managed to sort out the Endoscope. If you feel happier with it being at a later date then stick with it! You don't want to be paniking about whether you will miss out on your placement.

I'm glad you have a close support network around you for when the operation finally goes ahead! If you ever need to talk/see someone who has been through the same thing your going through then don't hessitate to get in touch. I find that some people just don't understand what I am going through, they try to be supportive and are to a degree, but they can't fully understand whats happening. I guess it doesn't help that the majority of my close friends are male and have never had to struggle with their weight in their lives.

I got really quite annoyed with Mr Dobbins because when I went to my first appointment he asked me to bring my Mum next time! The cheek! I understand he just wanted to see if I had a support network. But I am 22 and I doubt he would have asked anyone older than me to bring their mother!

For Mr Dobbins I have had done:

- Glucose Tollerence Test
- Full Blood work
- Endoscope
- Dietician
- Psychologist
- Sleep Apnea Test (overnight oximetry test)
- Group Meeting

The bloods and glucose tests I organised with Elland after my first appointment with Mr Dobbins.
The endoscope, the sleep test and the psychologists appointments were all sent through the post.
The dietician rang me to arrange an appointment.
The group meeting I rang the secretery to find the date.

I spoke with the Secretery yesterday and she said that he had dictated half of the cases BUT my case was in the pile that HADN'T been dictated! She was hoping to have the rest of them dictated by him by Friday as he was on leave for two weeks after that! I honestly don't think I could wait another 4 weeks till I find out! I feel like going up their and saying "ok, I will write the silly thing out myself"! The longer I wait for this letter (which he himself called a "rubber stamp") the longer I wait for the operation date! I am just glad that those of us who are at Elland are on a separate waiting list than those at Calderdale/Huddersfield! And that waiting list at the moment consists of: me! That doesn't guarentee that I will be having it done sooner than any of them though due to logistics problems.

I contacted my GP at the begining of January too! It seams like this has been going on forever. Although, I am pretty grateful: our system might have its faults and flaws, but I know that in other areas of the country it is much worse and waiting times are much longer!

If you don't mind me asking, what are you doing your placement in and which Uni are you at? I'm at Bradford. I have just found out that they are Broadcasting the entire graduation online! As if I wasn't nervous enough about tripping over onstage, dropping something and just simply making a right fool of myself. Never mind that I will look a right silly rod in my gown!

so do you have a date for the group meeting? I have another appointment at calderdale but don't know what it's for as it doesn't say! had a nightmare day at spire for my GTT, 2 hour test? more like 8 bloody hours that I was there! ah well it's done now. Anyway I am at hudds university at the moment doing midwifery - love it! What are you studying? x
im under calderdale too and no group meetings set up as of yet im afraid:sigh:
Lol! At least they got blood out of you at your Glucose test! When I went I ended up in there till 3:00 and they never even got more than a few drops of blood out of me! They stabbed me 10 times! I had to go back when Monica was the RMO a few weeks later!

I can't imagine what your going to Calderdale for! The only time I went there was for my overnight Sleep Apnea test. I had a short appointment of about 10 minutes before they handed me this small machine and sent me on my way! Everything else was at Elland.

I forgot to ask about the group meetings this morning when I rang but I was distracted by his secretery telling me he had gone on holiday without finishing any of the case notes! Another 3 week wait at least now. And thats just untill I hear whether its going ahead or not. To think I rang the day after the meeting expecting to hear the letters had been sent out. He told me he had this meeting every month to decide on his cases, but I will have been waiting for at least two months just to hear the decision! I will ring up tomorrow when the 'nice' secretery is on and ask her about it!

I have just graduated from Bradford University doing Psychology and Crime (I got a First!!! Sorry I still can't get over it!). I am going back in September to do my Masters Degree in Psychology. I am wanting to go on to become a Clinical Psychologist after that. Oh and I looked like an extra in a Harry Potter film in my graduation gown! The only reason I let myself have any pictures taken was because I know that by the time I graduate in November of next year I won't look like that anymore! Hopefully... if I ever get a surgery date!!!

Wow! Midwifery! That sounds fantastic! No wonder your loving it. I know why you don't want to miss out on your placement now!

i know what you mean Im suprised there arent more from Bfd, as I was referred to Leeds due to mass waiting list that needed to be shifted in the Bfd PCT, not that Im complaining :p