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Anyone watching holby city bbc 1 18 feb?

Samantha the bander has a bypass now and has had to give up work because the malabsorption makes her too tired.

Then you hear that actually she has gained weight and is eating the wrong foods.

I wouldn't wish what happened to her on anyone but you do have to wonder how she ate with the band? ..................
David is humiliated by having to show the Dr is body... Didn't seem to mind showing the world himself sat on a toilet!
Liquidising chips donuts chocolate bars .... Mmmmm I never considered doing that :eek:
Have I missed something??? Why is that girls nana cooking for her, cant she do it herself x x
thought it was a low blow when her nan started to blame herself,i have been told that the band is a tool you have to sort your head out along side it for it to truly work sounds like maybe she needed more support after the band popped as she had already lost the weight
I'm watching this, unsure why... I am yet to know if I will be having the op and I don't want putting off. it's not having much of an affect though, I'm just getting annoyed with some of it!

Have I missed something??? Why is that girls nana cooking for her, cant she do it herself x x

Chocolate sandwich for energy!! Hello.

The nan felt so guilty!!
And the girl still only said "WE can move forward, at the end of the day the responsibility is MAINLY on my shoulders"
It ain't nowt to do with your little nanna love!

I'm sorry but this is a poor example if a typical bander!
she gets too tired so nan does the cooking maybe she could have told nan the types of food she should be eating
Maybe I can offset the calories I consume from devouring my liquidised cr@p by venturing up into the loft to find my liquidiser ... That's exercise, right? :8855:
Never see many documentaries of other forms of surgery going wrong!!!!! Pi***s me off they never show stories from both sides x
I wasn't really expecting a balanced viewpoint, but it would have been nice to have some stats on the number of ops each year and the complication rates.

Must dash, now I have a band and can eat anything I like I have a dozen donuts to liquidize...