Well-Known Member
Looks scrumptious
I still sooo am a foodie 
Hi Bandedhun. I've spent the passed couple of days reading through your rollercoaster ride of a diary you've been on the passed 4.5 months! Wow! Your honesty regarding your food issues gives voice to my feelings that I haven't even uttered. You've certainly had enough stress for a lifetime and yet despite that, the transformation in your body is nothing short of amazing! Keep it up! I wish you every success as you continue to lose and then maintain your ideal weight, whatever that ends up being, and that all the difficulties in your life give you a break every now and again so that you can enjoy all you've achieved in such a short time! Being only 6 days post lap band op on My Journey to Minnie Me, you've certainly answered questions I haven't even thought to ask yet! You are an inspiration and I hope to keep following you down your road! Have you thought of putting all you've experienced with life, addictions, Banding, food, exercise, etc into a book? I've laughed and cried along with you as have so mange others on this forum! Thanks for sharing your wild ride with us! Take care!
Thanks Sharon, I'm thinking that maybe this is a sign that no matter what 14 years of hitting hurdles maybe it is the universe telling me - this isn't for you... And it's not through my actions it's through other influences, family, relationships etc. Not my ability or worth ethic . So all the stress meant I hardly are yesterday ... Drank lots of water though . So good was a milk chocolate digestive and three pieces of chicken breast chat grilled from the kebab place ( no sauce ) then had a kinder bar ( the little ones -81kcals) so not much at all.... Took my beta blockers which are for the Anxiety and slept till 8am! Niceeee! And I'm finally in the 11s .... 11.13 now . How nice :-D Went to Stratford after work and brought some new trousers , a new kimono and a new vest top , all size 12. (( compulsive buying to make up for the stress I guess )) .... I'll upload pictures (( the trousers are forever 21 and cuffed leather at top and ankles. Look cool on )) The leather coat is the one I brought in an 18 but I didn't wear it as the summer came and now I was able to change it to a 14.... So happy ( it is a tiny coat lol) so I guess there's a reason to be happy