Hiya. So I'm nearly 7 months post band probably. Lost about 3kg. I workout 6 times a week, eat 5 small healthy meals a day, no more than 1050 calories. Do u think too much exercise can e detrimental? I haven't lost any cm really. I do resistance training, cardio and plyometrics and would burn an additional 1000 calories a day (heart rate monitor says). I move to London soon from the uk and won't have a gym but wonder if with no exercise there I will gain?! Because doing so much now and I'm only staying the same weight. Help would be appreciated! Xx
As I don't seem to be loosing weight, I have been sent a link to here, in the hope that some of you lovely people can help me.
I have been reading some posts on here, and I'm eating so much more than anyone else.
Breakfast big bowl of bran flakes and semi milk
Lunch chilli (left over from last night) inc pulses, peppers, grate carrot and lean mince, again a big bowel.
Dinner, chicken thighs x2, and roasted veg, toms, baby pots and peppers
Exercise - 1.5 hrs of walking the dog and 1 hr of salsa later.
What am I doing wrong/why am I not loosing weight?