:sigh: oh well that's me in the dogger then if things go wrong! I am going for the cheap option and will be lucky to get a spare pack of dressings! I have had to put every last penny I have into getting this surgery done. If it goes wrong I am just hoping the NHS will help. I really think fat people are discriminated against if I wanted help with alcoholisim, or drugs I would be more likely to get it. I don't begrudge anyone getting help but don't feel that the plesantly plump people of this country get enough ha ha.
Thanks for the reply.xx
Of course the NHS will remove that band if it needs removing, But will they fund another surgery after words? that I can't answer I would think if they are funding then do it now save you're money and do the NHS route now.
I say this not to get a freebie but a lot of don't have the facilities to accommodate major surgery hence why most of them only offer banding!
Also SOME! not all NHS surgeons do private surgery in NHS hospitals this can reduce the cost of a bypass hugely! Your private in every way except the fancy room. You simply skip the waiting list.
You would have these same worries if you had bypass private, It's always best where possible to go NHS that way you know your covered for life! not just 12 months or however long your after care lasts.
I was very lucky I funded both times I had to appeal though and make a clinical argument for funding. I also accused them of discrimination. I also had to sit in front of a panel of three Dr's and make my argument! none of them had Obesity experience one was a chiropodist's!!!
Some people say stuff like well I saved the NHS so and so and often thats not the case and this does not give you automatic right to plastics!
With my surgeon open gastric bypass is just 5k thats the cost to the NHS so really the cost if not huge at all and very much cheaper than funding all the co morbidities that go with being Obese.
even if you are adamant you want the band it's always worth trying on the NHS just for the peace of mind of what if!