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Be Honest- Any regrets with Gastric Band?

Prinny, i hope you dont mind me asking, but where have you been reading about high failure rates, because the band will only work if you work with it and yes it is a longer process than having the bypass. I also had my band fitted with wga three months ago and have had no problems at all and i have taken a loan out for mine so it has to work because i cant afford for it not to from a financial point of view. I also have paid for one years aftercare with the wls group which includes unlimited band fills and 24hr access ot a bariatric nurse and nutritionist, which if you can afford, i really recommend, because the hard part is after the op when you still have to watch what you eat. Having said all of this though it is the best thing that i have ever done, it has given my confidence such a boost and i am only just over a stone away from a healthy bmi and it will be three months this week since i had my band fitted. It is also quite normal to be going through all of these emotions, i have a friend who is having the band fitted on thursday and she is going through exactly the same emotions and thoughts as you. julie
Hi thanks for your views everyone it's nice to get a wide range of advice. You lot make me think of things I hadn't even thought of!
What you said Julie was very reassuring, I really do want the surgery, have done for 5 years but as I had said before I feel like I am expecting a baby, you know the waiting that drives you mad and the worry that all is not well............It's nice to know that other people feel like this as well. I have cheered up about the whole thing again now and thinking about how I might be able to buy something from cheapo Primark for a change!
Also there does seem to be quite a high failure rate just on here quite a few have had bad experiences where as I would have just expected the odd one or two........but what do I know lol?
Hi Everyone

I have been for my first appt with the Bariatric Nurse at Spire in Manchester, and I am going to meet Mr Amori in April.

Feel like it's all real now!! My appt is the 8th April, and should be 2 weeks later for op...at last!!

Going to Florida in 2 weeks so intend having a great time.

Thanks for all you replies.;)

Liz. xx
Hi Everyone

I have been for my first appt with the Bariatric Nurse at Spire in Manchester, and I am going to meet Mr Amori in April.

Feel like it's all real now!! My appt is the 8th April, and should be 2 weeks later for op...at last!!

Going to Florida in 2 weeks so intend having a great time.

Thanks for all you replies.;)

Liz. xx

just watd to wish you a great hols and the best advice i can give is get excited about your op the more you love your band the better it works i think i wish id had mine years ago it isnt the easy option by any means but work with it and it works well
No - it;s just that I hadn't actually seen or read anything negative about the band before and I am so so desperate for it to work. I know it isn't a quick fix or an easy option but I can't face the thought of paying £5500 for it not to work :-(
No - it;s just that I hadn't actually seen or read anything negative about the band before and I am so so desperate for it to work. I know it isn't a quick fix or an easy option but I can't face the thought of paying £5500 for it not to work :-(

It will work if you work with it, it is not a quick fix and you still have to diet, but i have lost over two stone since november and even though the weightloss has slowed down i am happy with it. I took finance out for my band so i have to make it work because from a financial point of view i cant afford for it not to work. julie
Oooops sorry I started this thread!!

Thanks Serenity for good wishes, your hair is fab on your profile pic by the way.

The way I look at it is the band is a tool to assist you along your weight loss journey...it isn't a magic wand that will make you slim over night but I personally wouldn't have the bypass as I am to scared of the risks (I know I am a wimp!!) Although I do think that bypass is the better bariatric surgery in the long run.


Oh I so wish I hadn't read this thread now :-(

This I found to be a massif problem.. Sadly pretending or not wanting hear to good the bad and the ugly does not mean the bad and the ugly don't exist..

To the Lady who said the band will only work if you work with it, Well I beg to differ the band can fail for all manor of reasons and it is wrong of you to virtually guarantee it will work. The band can fail and does have 30% failure rate ask any surgeon they will tell you the statistics. This does not mean how ever it fails with every one !! no one has said that but I don't think people who have and are struggling should be silenced because a good balance of honest replies is what is needed. I had my band for three and a half year's I didn't lose a lb with it I am 5 weeks post op bypass tomorrow and have lost 31lb.

If some one is struggling with the band and they keep being told "work with it" this may be hiding underlying problems like with my band that was fitted way to tight and causing a lot of damage to my stomach. If you are doing everything and following the band rules and you are still having problems then insist further investigation be done. I said for three and a half years I was struggling to eat the recommended foods, It was only when they removed it did they find out the band was tight and virtually strangulating my stomach.

Even those who have lost weight had great results with the band never take it for granted because the band can slip at any time! Don't go into this blind and ignorant listen to all the stories good and bad learn from them don't bury your head in the sand because you don't like what some people are saying. I told the truth of my experience just like the others have done who say they love there band we all have a story to tell.

I don't want to be accused of scare mongering simply because the reader does not like what they read.
Urm......no-one accused you of scare mongering did they????? I said I wish I didn't read it .......not that you shouldn't have said it. I also haven't *burried my head in the sand* it is a FACT that more cases work than fail, 70% more to be exact an I find it quite offensive that someone I don't even know can be so presumptuous about how I feel and call me * ignorant*
I actually appreciate stories like your's but as I had just handed over 5 and a half thousand pounds it wasn't exactly what I wanted to read at the time.....that's all.
I am very pleased that your bypass is working so well for you and wish you luck as you continue your journey but please don't assume that something that didn't work for you wont work for others.
No - it;s just that I hadn't actually seen or read anything negative about the band before and I am so so desperate for it to work. I know it isn't a quick fix or an easy option but I can't face the thought of paying £5500 for it not to work :-(

you know going it not a quick fix and as i said befor work with your band love it and it will work well. there are positives and negatives to everything but i do believe that the band is the best thing i ever did, i know like alexa there are people it didnt work for hers obviously wasnt fitted properly but look at liz had a band fail due to malfunction and has gone on too have a second i find her story quiet inspirational , just keep positive and there is all the support you could need on here
....it can of course fail and the reality is its not a magic operation. However it can and does work for a good percentage of people who have a non faulty correctly fitted band with good aftercare and a sensible diet....

There are not many guarantees in this world (except death and taxes:mad:) and we should all take this into consideration. Agreed hiding your head in the sand about side effects and complications is a bad thing to do but lets be honest thats how I (and I'm sure others) got to the weight I am now and bought me to the point were I need to consider WLS as the final weight loss step before loosing the battle and descending into a life of severe obesity and ill-health and early death.

Its your future and you should look into all aspects of WLS yes there are risks but when I look at the risks involved if i continue being obese...I know what risks I am prepared to take.... my dad has weighed over well 20stone my whole life (40 years) he is now an insulin dependant diabetic, has glaucoma, high blood pressure, sleep aponea, water retention and bad swelling in his legs, leg ulcers and sever problems walking, and COPD his heart is in such a mess that he needs a triple bypass but is far to ill to have one, he is on loads of medication and sleeps with an oxygen mask....now when I look him and at the risks involved with a Gastric Band I am prepared to take them, however I am not blind to them and strongly encourage every one to look at all stories good and bad and then THINK and THINK some more about their own circumstances, be informed and then make your decision.

We haven't come to our decisions lightly and that should be respected....We are all intelligent people here and should respect that.

Good luck and sorry rant over :eek::eek::eek:
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I havent been on here for a while and this is the first time that I have read this thread..... I just wanted to quickly tell my story and hope it helps people that are thinking and worrying that they have handed over £5k and the big question 'is it going to work?'.

Well 'bloody Fern Britton' was my whole reason for having the band done and that is what my husband calls her everytime he sees her!! I just saw how fab she looked and it seemed like 'the miracle cure'. I booked my consultation went along and Mr Sigursson said its not a miracle cure you will have to do 70% of the work, I thought yeah right book me in!.

Done the milk diet and thought mmmmm maybe this is not going to be as easy as I thought, went for the op and all went well. Thinking to myself at least I can still eat anything I want but in moderation..... how wrong was I!!!!!!!! I havent had bread for 4 months, cant have anything with batter or breadcrumbs on, cant have any red meat apart from mince. Sometimes I can eat chicken somedays I can't, not good when u go out for a meal and you dont know whether its a chicken day or not. Then there is the goodies that never ever seemed to bother me I would have a chocolate bar prob once a week was always a savoury person, chocolate, crisps and buscuits can be eaten anytime anywhere!! 3 weeks ago I had a real bad time with choc and was having 2 bars a day and one day ate an easter egg!! Its the only time as being a bander I have stayed the same weight wise. It is really really possible to cheat this band I know that, its not a miracle cure!! I often get things stuck, get sick, have to walk out of places to eat cause I have took one bite too much. It is really not as easy as 'bloody Fern Britton' made it look BUT I do love my band, I have lost 58lb in nearly 4 months. I work with it 99% of the time and It is hard and occassionally it can get the better of me, but NO ONE is perfect. I do think if you are prepared and really really want it to work it will.

Good luck from a happy bander.

Dee xx

Ps God sorry I said I was QUICKLY going to tell my story!
Well Deebol i was having doubts about my band (going in on sat 28th feb) but after reading your post you have told it like it is and iam going for it the worries i have had you have spoken about...... A BIG THANK YOU DEEBOL XXX
Yeah Deebol
I'd like to second that
Im going in on 10 march and its good to read lots of differant peoples experiences both good and bad and to go in with eyes wide open that this is no miracle cure
58Lbs in 4 months is awseome


hi guys, really interesting thread, it fab to read such a cross-section of opinions.

I am 4 and a half weeks post op froma gastric bypass and couldn't be happier. I had to self-fund, even though i fit the criteria, the NHS wouldn't fund, i appealed and they still refused. I was only ever interested in the band cos to me, the bypass was for people who weighed 50 stones!!!

My private bariatric surgeon was brilliant and VERY realistic. He basically told me the band MAY work for me but you can easily cheat with it if you have no willpower. I have no willpower at all and when my husband said ok, we will self-fund but can you assure me that once you've had the band, you will never get to the day where you wished you'd had the bypass!!!

How could i promise that? Then i found out that the lifespan of the band was about 15 years all being well. I'm only 32, did that mean that as well as the fills I would have to pay for a new one when I was 47, 62 and 77?!?!?!?

This may sound silly, but i had to seriously consider it.

I decided on bypass and its amazing, i can't eat loads but already i can pretty much eat anything i want but i am chosing healthier stuff cos unlike before, i can get a feeling of fullness from it. I have no foreign objects in my body and don't really have any future appointments, my GP just has to do blood tests every 6 months and i have to take vitamins.

I know i haven't had the band, but i too was booked in for it and changed my mind so i just thought i'd tell my story. It cost me an extra 2,000 pounds to change to the bypass which resulted in my extra mortgage going up by about another 12 pounds per month but no fills to pay for and no worry of needing it replacing x x x
I was also booked in private for a band at The Nuffield in Stoke in think it was 06/07 But I backed out cause my car packed in and I needed a new one so my redundancy I had went on a car instead. Glad now I didnt have it done as in 08 I got funding for a gastric bypass on NHS

Good luck with whatever you choose everyone is differant and every operation minor or major come with risks
Hi Alexa

I am worried about what you have written below, do a lot of people really have the band removed after 2 years?

I hope not as I am putting a lot of money into this and I really need it to work.

I am glad everything is going well with the bypass for you.

Skip xx

Of course there was a clinical reason, but the band only works of theory, There is no guarantee and it does have a high failure rate for all manor of reasons these we all know about pre op anyway. The band can go wrong at any stage even if it appears to be very successful. Most bands are removed 2+ year's post op.

I just hated mine it was very tight even fully aspirated. I couldn't make the choice of the "healthy" option because no solid food was a option. When it was removed my stomach was white due to lack of blood supply. I didn't lose weight with it and gained just over a stone with it.

But it's gone now and I couldn't be happier.
Hi Alexa

I am worried about what you have written below, do a lot of people really have the band removed after 2 years?

I hope not as I am putting a lot of money into this and I really need it to work.

I am glad everything is going well with the bypass for you.

Skip xx

skip, listen to me im one of them statistics of having my band removed, mine was removed replaced after 3.5 years, what happened to me is RARE, compared to all the many successes of banding thats out there, yes bands dont work for everyone but the majority of banders that has been done it does work for.

i have had two bands now and i still have no regrets.

liz x