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Big cheer for baby food

Windy Pants

New Member
but only the stage 1 puddings so far with some sprinkly canderal lol.
Really handy when out and about lol

its totally orgasmic lol
bluuurrrrrr - cant you use a blender and blend propper food - might taste abit better x
Has baby food got enough nutrients in it for adults??
not the nicest tasting thing windy :eek: but if it helps you whilst youre out, then why not!

Ive bypassed my puree stage, as i didnt like anything blended!! Just having thick soups and yoghurts - mushies next week!!

If it works for you Windy then good for you. Just make sure that you are getting those nutrients in though! Save the pots for putting your own stuff in for later when you feel like making your own
dont eat baby food its designed for growing babies, not a bypassed adult make your own and blend it down and freeze it in small portions x
Hi . . . I was advised once I had to op to stay away from baby foods I seem to recall my consultant describing it as lacking sufficient nutrients (proteins and alike) . . . that is to say to get the desired amount of good stuff from baby feed you would need to eat a whole wheelbarrow full ! xxx
P.S Has anyone found a decent protein drink . . . I intend to use raw egg milk with ss milk and protein . . .
Windypants, seriously that sounds yuk, i remember baby food from when my kids were little and it was rough...

Can you not make up some pots and take them out with you?
Windy... have you got any recipes... for good wholesome soup... easy to make and so nutricious... love and hugs xxx