Illegitimis nil carborund
OK Gang,
Day 1 of 10 day Pre-op (thanks to Mazbrad for the diet sheet)
Decided to go for the milk option as I like milk and if I had chosen the one with food on it I'm not sure I could have kept to the sort of portions I'm supposed to. In my mind if there is no Food then I can't go wrong.
I have to say it's not been too bad today I know it's only the first day but I've been quite busy and so the mind has been occupied even though all we were doing was talking.... mainly about me and what I could and couldn't eat both now and post op.
Breakfast started off with a cup of tea followed by a pint of Milk.
mid morning a ½ litre of Water.
Lunchtime I had Pint of Milk, OXO Cube (with Water
), a Fat Free yoghurt, a Banana and a Sugar Free Jelly
Mid afternoon a ½ litre of Water
Dinner Pint of Milk, A fat free Yoghurt an Apple and an Orange
Mid Evening A glass of Fresh Orange Juice
The only downside has been the constant trips to the loo which as my loo is downstairs isn't too bad....However I sleep upstairs so tonight might be a tad annoying!
On the whole I haven't really felt hungry even when the family were eating Ham egg and Chips.... don't you just love them
So 1 down 9 to go and then its the big day
Day 1 of 10 day Pre-op (thanks to Mazbrad for the diet sheet)
Decided to go for the milk option as I like milk and if I had chosen the one with food on it I'm not sure I could have kept to the sort of portions I'm supposed to. In my mind if there is no Food then I can't go wrong.
I have to say it's not been too bad today I know it's only the first day but I've been quite busy and so the mind has been occupied even though all we were doing was talking.... mainly about me and what I could and couldn't eat both now and post op.
Breakfast started off with a cup of tea followed by a pint of Milk.
mid morning a ½ litre of Water.
Lunchtime I had Pint of Milk, OXO Cube (with Water
Mid afternoon a ½ litre of Water
Dinner Pint of Milk, A fat free Yoghurt an Apple and an Orange
Mid Evening A glass of Fresh Orange Juice
The only downside has been the constant trips to the loo which as my loo is downstairs isn't too bad....However I sleep upstairs so tonight might be a tad annoying!
On the whole I haven't really felt hungry even when the family were eating Ham egg and Chips.... don't you just love them
So 1 down 9 to go and then its the big day
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